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Referendum ??

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gulliver1 | 08:56 Sat 16th Oct 2021 | News
123 Answers
In view of this latest murder of an Mp .
....... Is now the time to have a referendum in the UK to bring back hanging.?


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To put a slightly different slant on this question.
If the police had arrived in the middle of this incident and shot the perpretator dead how many of those against the death penalty would have said he deserved to be shot? I've never seen any protests when this has happened and there have been incidents like this over the past few years.
That's a good question, andres. I'm not against the death penalty so you know my answer.
christ gully
what a complete non sequitur

er - no it isnt
the more we go into it - the more we find we hanged the wrong men
I feel that bringing back the death penalty would be a backward step.
completely crap question Andres as you should well know- threat to life as you look on
whereas the hanging comes at the end of a judicial process which is usually non-bloody - ( someone threw a scrubbing brush at a judge in 1922)

all you are doing is pander to the hang-'em high! usual suspects on AB
pp--- Most of that happened before we had DNA and positive proof. In this case there can be no mistake whatsoever!
no I am not going to - - - fall for the bring back hanging loonie tune
pp^^^ I think that you will find that it's a hell of a lot more than people on Ab. It's you who needs to open your ears and your eyes.Get out into the real world and stop living in fantasy land.
andres, you can't hold an intelligent conversation with PP. Best not to try.

Yours is a very good question. I hope some of the anti-capital punishment brigade come along to answer it.... but I won't hold my breath.
Naomi---I am well aware of the 'stuff'(for want of a better word) that he posts and very rarely respond to him. In this instance I prepared a reply but scrubbed it because had I posted it the thread would probably have been removed.
ANDRES, if someone were shot dead by the police during an incident but an investigation determined the shooting illegal, what would you think?
And how often does that happen in the UK then CORBY?
Andres - now seriously
one of NJ's colleagues said of the Irish bombers ( non-bombers that is!)
the more I have heard this appeal the greater I am convinced of the guilt
another appeal lord regretted the passing of the death penalty

which I think is Lord Peter Taylor who was asked later if he ever regretted coming out on the obviously wrong side and he said:

it is nothing to do with me if the police choose to lie to me

well that is OK then
corby @13.25. I was talking about THIS incident and others where the perpretator has been caught in the act.
// andres, you can't hold an intelligent conversation with PP. Best not to try.// no please dont give up Andres - er Naomi ( bless!) doesnt!

I am for free speech - I note with disapproval the efforts of the usual suspects to shut Gully up

The usual - we are for free speech but only if you say the things we like

Now I thought.... the somali sat around, doing narfin after the act
because he thought someone WOULD shoot/stab/ throttle him and he would go straight to heaven !
as it was he went straight to the hell of remand prison
// and others where the perpretator has been caught in the act.//
noop he had finished and was sitting around

there IS a case for shooting if you have a gun that is ( this is AB)
BUT yes wrong man and you risk a prosecution on the lines of poor Charles Menenez - gunned down in the tube - because - he was there!

How long did it take for the police to attend?
Arena - they all hung around and let the zero responders get on with it for 45 mins
// I think that you will find that it's a hell of a lot more than people on Ab.//
yeah but no but
we are both currently on AB .... [ defined I see as - a finite set of complete loonies] -
look 60% of the pop think we should hang for rape

so clearly there are questions we shouldnt be referendumming
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As pointed out by Andres, now that DNA is about , the chances of bringing the wrong man/or woman to their comeuppance is highly unlikely.
DNA ? DNA? - if one of the usual suspects spits at you ( DNA see) that doesnt mean they have murdered you

if he is as loopy as a doo-doo, it will be manslaughter - we all know that ( but hey it is fun to deny it and say - wot dat den on AB innit)
gulliver - // I can guarantee the result would be a massive ......YES. //

I don't think you can, actually.

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