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Referendum ??

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gulliver1 | 08:56 Sat 16th Oct 2021 | News
123 Answers
In view of this latest murder of an Mp .
....... Is now the time to have a referendum in the UK to bring back hanging.?


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Andy- //gulliver - // I can guarantee the result would be a massive ......YES. //

But Gully has such a good record of backing the right result in referendums.
well we could hold it as a neverendum, beloved of the EUSSR!
The police don't necessarily have to have a RIGHT man or woman.
In the case of terrorists I don't think that the death penalty would be a deterrent as they believe in an afterlife where all good things will come to them.One example is the suicide bombers.
I think you are right Danny

the other depressing thing is the two sets of Muslims butchering each other in Afghanistan - wrong kind of muslim eetc
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Mozz @ 12.31.. "Tora speaking sense"....... Why don't you try it Mozz......?
Of course, hanging them would mean no compensation needed if they were exonerated but had gone mad from 23 hours a day of solitary. And our marvellous coppers, not one of them, would ever actively fit someone up.
Gully @15:02.

You wouldn't recognise sensible talk if you saw it mate.
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17.15 I would "recognise sensible talk" Mozz, but I know it wouldn't be coming from you unless someone had written it for you.
Leave hanging and the likes to the Afghanis and the Iranians, wouldn't deflating the dinghies be a more humane solution?
Depends where you're doing it. A beach in France, then yes. In the middle odf the Channel, not so much.
Hazi 19:41. Are you suggesting that drowning children who are on dingies with their parents would be better than bringing adults (who have committed no crimes) to 'justice'?
Atheist, I think she meant taking and deflating any dingies before the set sail.
Maybe she should have said that herself. Sorry, Hazi, if that's what you meant.
// Every time there was a murder, someone would post a gloating saying "told you so, should of voted yes"//

we abandoned hanging in 1967

Every time there IS a murder, someone posts a gloating saying "told you so: this wouldnt occur if we had hanged the irish bombers!"

spot the difference !
so in the space of a day, we have gone from hanging terrorists to shooting little brown babies sur les plages de Dunkerque

was it.... Naomi (bless!) who deplored not being able to have a sensible discussion on AB ? yes I believe ( or know) it was

sozza never being able ....
Sorry Peter, where exactly has anybody spoke of shooting brown babies?
why - here
//Are you suggesting that drowning children who are on dingies with their parents //

shooting drowning - is there really a difference on AB wonderland ?

sozza mozza I think I hve this one!
PP, //was it.... Naomi (bless!) who deplored not being able to have a sensible discussion on AB ? yes I believe ( or know) it was //

No ...not on AB. Just with you.

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