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Boris…. Your Thoughts

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smurfchops | 18:11 Wed 08th Dec 2021 | News
102 Answers
Bumbling,scruffy, smirking, lying, selfish, arrogant, embarrassing fool.


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One further observation on this fiasco – Michael Howard sacked Boris back in 2004 for lying to him, now that Boris has the top job there is no one to hold him to account (sack him for lying, or being completely incompetent for that matter).

But maybe the 1922 Committee will come to their senses – and get rid of him.
Hazi and Naomi are rabid right wing torys who would shot migrants in the channel.Anyone who goes on strike for a fair and honest wage should be flogged and put in stocks is there mantra.Nhs workers who put their lives on the line to protect people during the pandemic were offered a 1% pay rise .Tory donors and friends of cabinet ministers were allowed to make a million% .NO BACKHANDERS THERE THEN MY 3rse.
Haha! Rabid, that’s me. :o)
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Please dont sack BORIS he is the best advocate for Scottish independence keep on going BOJO your are proving the best reason ever for leaving this sick UK.LUV U BRO BORIS KEEP BUMBLING ON FREEDOM.HERE WE GO .
Naomi. I wouldn't call you rabid. The worst I could say about you is that you have an aversion to being contradicted and that you find it very difficult to post a comment agreeing with anything. I was proud to have provoked an admission that you were grateful for a confession of mine that I had reconsidered one of my posts and had changed my mind. I can't think that any post other than an admission of surrender would have evoked such a friendly response.
Don't worry; we all understand and like you. :-)
Atheist, when you say ‘we all’ I’ve no idea to whom you’re referring - or on whose behalf you claim to be speaking - but the record I’ve no interest in your opinion of me.
*for the recirdv
Blinking phone. *for the record ……

Who is/was struck down with covid, had a friend/ family member who died on their in a nursing home hospital ?
Just remember this man lied to you.
If only the Labour Party had a sensible,non-anti-semitic,non aerosol of a leader in the 2019 election?...But they didnt ,they had Old Magic Grandpaw..Old Scarecrow of the Year...Jesus wept. No wonder Bojo swept the board.
Very profound, anneasquith.
@22.36.Same up here in Scotland,Sturgeon lied.Sturgeon is as much culpabable for many death as Johnson is.You are lucky you dont live up here in Scotland under these SNP liars and charlatans.
What exactly did the FM lie about?
Like Johnson,Sturgeon is economical with the truth.There is a missing £600,000 in the nationalists accounts.Why dont you ask Wee Burneys beard before you ask me?
Here we go again :-)
...and again and again...You are lucky,us up here in Scotland have to put up with the "wee pretendy parliament"as Billy Connolly said.You have a real parliament down in England/UK/Britain.
Did billy Connolly really say that ? When ?
Look it up for yourself,i cant put up with pandering to you Anglophobe nationalists.
There is not a lot of new thinking in this thread and I do not see that there is any particular point being made that would dissuade people from their held beliefs and I add my point of view on that same basis.

Having a new Prime Minister is similar to being married. After the honeymoon period one can remember the wedding vows:
" have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health...".

I agree that Boris is not the finest orator who ever held the post of Prime Minister, nor has he always displayed the greatest talent for diplomacy.

However, he has been in position through unparalleled times. He came to power after the majority voted for Brexit and was never given an easy ride by the EEC.

He was in power to deal with the pandemic and certainly did well to secure vaccines for the people of this country. He caught Covid 19 and was seriously ill, so I am sure he has a very real understanding of what other victims and their families have gone through.

For those who may feel like ending their relationship with Boris where is a credible alternative?

I just wish the man had reliable people around him to allow him to get on with the hard duties of governing the country.

Like Naomi said, I wouldn't want his job either, but I will stick with him.

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