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Ghislaine Found Guilty

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Canary42 | 23:43 Wed 29th Dec 2021 | News
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I wonder how this will affect the Prince Andrew case.


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roy - // Today? //

Yes, today, the day his long-acknowledged 'close friend' has been convicted of a string of sex offences, and could be serving the rest of her life in prison.

That's another hammer in the coffin of his personal reputation, and his inability to choose friends who are not criminals and child abusers.

But the sweating starts because the FBI are in a position to offer Ms Maxwell a deal, a reduced sentence in return for naming names and giving information of dates, whereabouts, and activities.

Given the sort of person she clearly is, would Ms Maxwell flinch from throwing the prince under the proverbial bus with the rest, if it meant she had a chance of avoiding spending the rest of her life locked up?

I am sure his highness is wondering that as I type ...
I would like to answer as I would alike but will refrain- all I can say - she (Maxwell) has suffered from inhumane lock up and bore up well so strong.

With a light shining in your eyes all day - a rat at your a%se when toileting and many more others.

I personally think that the "children" who were groomed per se - were well groomed before they came into the hands of Eipstein and Maxwell - they were not angels.

As some posters mentioned - they were through out by their parents into the the streets to make money and being in the company of the above - they made money to send back home. Eff Eipstein - But Maxwell wasn't all to blame. Those "little girls" knew what they were doing - their hands were not tied behind their backs and were offered loads of money. So let's not all point ALL the blame to Maxwell.

I'll get probably get a lot of stick re this post but stick I will remain.
Wow...I hope you're on the jury if I ever murder someone, JJ

I thought it was yesterday, andy.
roy - we are not talking about murder are we
Question Author
JJ, I think you're correct in that some of the victims must bear some culpability, but that doesn't exonerate Ghislaine from exploiting them.
no Canary - it doesn't exonerate Maxwell - but there are many parts of this story but she was was the one that has been punished for the last year or so.
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I don't disagree JJ.
Canary - I mean you started a post about how it will affect Prince Andrew - eff him - what about him - he hasn't suffered like Maxwell has and of course many others who are already bricking it - but she has literally bricked it for the lot of them.
//But where were those girls’ mothers?//

Or even, perhaps, their fathers?
NJ - really who cares where the parents are now - you know what I think - their children have been become replicas of themselves.

Sins of the fathers and all that!
roy - we are not talking about murder are we

You're right, this was just a bit of trafficking of children to use for sex.
Silly me.
The Beeb have this compulsion to ask people connected with the plaintiff ( Jiuffre) what they think
and then treat as balanced comment things like - fr'instance:

"Nart even a son of the Queen of England can escape the great principle of American justice....he's gardda answer these charges in person by flying to this great republic and turning himself in. An' if he cant pay and pay and pay then his marm can."

fluffy Beeb hack in wonder, whispers: foo really - dat really duh law den? Prince Andrew guilty and has to do time den? how long?

and so it goes on and on and on wowser ( thx to Gig Young in They SHoot Horses dont they? 1969)
Whenever I hear - "everyone is equal in the great American justice system, nart even a son fo the Queen of England......."

I think of Sacoolas and Harry Dunn and laugh ( er sardonically of course)
//of children to use for sex.//
randy andy;s girl was over 16 - and was therefore not a child
Canary - I mean you started a post about how it will affect Prince Andrew - eff him - what about him - he hasn't suffered like Maxwell has and of course many others who are already bricking it - but she has literally bricked it for the lot of them.

Whatever suffering she has undergone undoubtedly pales into insignificance in comparison to that of her victims
Excellent post, JJ. Let's hope all young teenage girls....14 and 15 year old girls... aren't as lucky as I was when they find themselves on the street with no home. Then we can blame them for falling into the hands of perverts....adults who should be protecting and caring for young girls.
I was thrown out at fifteen because I had never been wanted...not to make money.
Maxwell has done enough harm to warrant the rest of her life in prison not just the last year or so.

You maybe had caring parents. Try putting yourself in the shoes of those of us who have never had that.
I hope I've made some sense in this post because you've made me angrier than I've been in a long, long time.
I rail against the notion that once someone becomes damaged goods they are free game and available on the open market for exploitation, thereby absorbing some of the blame.

There's no doubt that not all those involved in running this knocking shop will get a fair share of the blame - some are too clever for that and leave others to carry the can.
AH //Savile was only exposed after his death, no comparison with Asian grooming gangs, unless your fixation makes you shoehorn it into an unconnected discussion.//

I chose my word "Pakistani" carefully, which you altered to "Asian". Asia is a continent shared by 50 countries including Russia, China & India, whose residents do not wish to be included in "grooming gangs".

The grooming gangs in the north of England & elsewhere, many of who are walking free are Pakistani Muslims, and guess why they are walking free, & Maxwell, who has raped nobody, faces a lifetime in jail?
Peter Pedant
//of children to use for sex.//
randy andy;s girl was over 16 - and was therefore not a child
Put a sock in it, Peter.

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