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Ghislaine Found Guilty

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Canary42 | 23:43 Wed 29th Dec 2021 | News
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I wonder how this will affect the Prince Andrew case.


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this is a few years old but shows almost three times as many Jews in NYC as Muslims (8% to 3%)
We've established that, jno.
But even you must admit naomi that a difference of 2 to 1 is vastly superior to you assumption that Muslims just outnumbered Jews

I still stand by my assertion though I have no idea why Khandro even raised it
It is a moot point in relation to the trial
Naomi, thanks for the unrequited and unrequited religion lesson.

I have Jewish friends, I know how the system works, which is why I was careful to say "if" Ms Maxwell had followed her father's faith, which she could have done at any time.

Faith is a choice, but you don't need me to educate you any more than I need you.
That's unrequested and unrequired.
As I said ....//I think Jews outnumber Muslims in the city //

Actually you did not
No mention of the word think in your original post
Your presentation was one of a statement of fact
AH, //Faith is a choice//

If you are so au fait with the religion you will know that, in the case of Judaism, faith is very definitely not a choice.
Stickybottle, ok. I should have reworded my original post. So shoot me.
Of course faith is a choice, no-one can be compelled to believe in something.
Sigh ....
I wonder how long we have to wait until we hear what her sentence is.
Stickybottle, ok. I should have reworded my original post. So shoot me.

No need to go that far

Unlucky for Ms Maxwell you were not part of the prosecution team
She might have got away with it !
It's no big deal but, Ghislaine Maxwell hails from a Jewish background though, she has yet to confirm her religion. Her father, Robert Maxwell was from a Jewish family.

I relate to my previous post about Muslims getting away with grooming, If she converted she could say she was a victim of Islamophobia.

The grooming gangs in England were not exposed by the police, but by a Times reporter, Andrew Norfolk, with to their credit support from The Times newspaper.

She has not raped or molested anybody & faces a life sentence, I would have thought even the sanctimonious on here could see how wrong that is.
Stickybottle, //Unlucky for Ms Maxwell you were not part of the prosecution team
She might have got away with it ! //


Khandro, I know what you're saying but you're muddying the waters. Apart from her crime being very different to those of the groomers in this country, and her religion complete irrelevant, she is subject to US law.
She has not raped or molested anybody & faces a life sentence, I would have thought even the sanctimonious on here could see how wrong that is.

Simply stunned to read that
Utterly shocking
Khandro - // She has not raped or molested anybody & faces a life sentence, I would have thought even the sanctimonious on here could see how wrong that is. //

Take your rose-coloured specs off and read some facts.

Ms Maxwell has been found guilty of procurring young girls for abuse, and evidence confirms that she took part in that abuse.

I have no idea why you are fixated with trying to defend this woman, or search for ever more appalling reasons to try and mitigate her actions.

Your continued attempts to shoehorn the Asian Rape Gangs into your 'defence' has already been destroyed.

If you wish to retain any dignity and credibility on this site, you may want to consider if you want to continue defending a convicted felon whose actions have poisoned the lives of numerous innocent youg women.
I heard on the news that there was testimony that she had handled/touched young women's bodies during their Epstein sessions.
Was Epstein actually accused of rape(i.e. penetration)?
As a said I can see why Khandro is comparing her crimes to those of the Pakistani grooming gangs - but it's not relevant. And I say 'Pakistani' because that it what they are. Anything less is highly offensive to other Asians.
So helping someone to rape girls, touching their bare breasts and taking part in the encounters that began as massages is fine?

What a shocking view for a person to have. That's really low, Khandro.
Atheist - // Was Epstein actually accused of rape(i.e. penetration)? //

I don't believe so, but that absence of that specific charge hardly provides defence for the other offences of which she was convicted.

But that's rather like saying - 'The accused did stab the deceased twenty-eight times in the front your honour, but not in the back as the back, as the prosecution alleges ...'

It doesn't stand up as defence does it, except in Khandro's mind, and he appears justifiably alone in his particular view.

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