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Ghislaine Found Guilty

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Canary42 | 23:43 Wed 29th Dec 2021 | News
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I wonder how this will affect the Prince Andrew case.


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Khandro - Trying to excuse one lot of inexcusable behaviour by comparing it with another which is supposedly worse is poor debating.

The next child murderer will not mitigate the Asian grooming gangs' behaviour, even though it follows your logic, because your logic was flawed in the first place.
Victim blaming underage girls who were corrupted and raped by Epstein with the assistance and connivance of Maxwell has to be a new low for AB - I am truly sickened by many of the posts on the preceding pages - you should be ashamed of yourselves.
It's a worry isn't it?
Indeed, Dave and Mamya. "Maxwell has suffered" and "Maxwell raped nobody" are comments that turn my stomach.
Khandro - Trying to excuse one lot of inexcusable behaviour by comparing it with another which is supposedly worse is poor debating

I agree
As I said early on in the thread in my opinion it is worse when it as a female who is assisting and facilitating the rape and abuse of another female
It is beyond comprehension and I hope the judge reflects this when handing out the sentence
I find Khandro's continual reference to the compensation any of the victims may receive, coupled with his vigorous attempts to defend Ms Maxwell, to be quite disturbing , and clearly I am not alone.
andy, with regard to whether Maxwell might cut a deal, therre's a piece about it here

The upshot is "don't know" but it does make the point that if you've caught Miss Big, you don't want to waste your success by letting her off lightly in order to round up smaller fry.
Clearly there would never be a question of 'letting her off', but netting a few 'untouchables' may be considered a price worth paying for letting her out before she dies.
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Here's one person's view which could be of interest.
It might be a pity for Maxwell that she's a Jew & not a Muslim
Keep digging Khandro ...
Actually Khandro, if Ms Maxwell follows her father's faith, she is Jewish.

Over to you ...
It might be a pity for Maxwell that she's a Jew & not a Muslim

Lol seriously ?
I would fancy the chances of a Jew in New York far more than I would any Muslim !
AH, //Actually Khandro, if Ms Maxwell follows her father's faith, she is Jewish. //

Khandro, //It might be a pity for Maxwell that she's a Jew & not a Muslim //

Maxwell is not a Jew. Jewish children take their mother's religion. Her mother was French - a Huguenot Protestant.
Stickybottle, //I would fancy the chances of a Jew in New York far more than I would any Muslim ! //

Muslims slightly outnumber Jews in New York.
//Jewish children take their mother's religion.//

Sorry, that was poorly written. What I should have said is children of Jewish fathers take their mothers' religion.
Stickybottle, //I would fancy the chances of a Jew in New York far more than I would any Muslim ! //

Muslims slightly outnumber Jews in New York.
I will bow to your superior knowledge but would like a link if you have one please ?
Either way after what happened in New York a couple of decades back I would still favour the chances of a Jew over a Muslim in that city
Stickybottle, I haven't claimed my knowledge to be superior. I googled it. The demographics in New York state and New York City are a bit confusing, but overall Muslims seem to be in the majority. I think Jews outnumber Muslims in the city but New York isn't just a city - but whatever. Muslims aren't few and far between in either state or city and I think they live there quite happily.
As I said ....//I think Jews outnumber Muslims in the city //

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