Twitching & Birdwatching2 mins ago
Palace Racism
Ngozi Fulani was asked where she was originally from mmm, whats the problem there
it's not what or was considered a british christian name, i assume the palace get people from around the globe visiting, so why the big hoo haa.
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-1 1486513 /Prince -Willia m-conde mns-una cceptab le-comm ents-go dmother -Lady-S usan-Hu ml
it's not what or was considered a british christian name, i assume the palace get people from around the globe visiting, so why the big hoo haa.
I think that the lady was asking where her family originated from. I think that is a genuine question, maybe not the time nor the place but it is hardly a major issue.
17:51 Wed 30th Nov 2022
I posted this on the other thread but it's relevant here too.
Ngozi Fulani, founder of Sistah Space, Britain's leading domestic abuse charity for Black women, is black, she adopts an Afro/Caribbean dress style, so isn't trying to be anything other than herself, and yet she is offended when someone else notices and shows an interest. I wonder why? That makes no sense.
Ngozi Fulani, founder of Sistah Space, Britain's leading domestic abuse charity for Black women, is black, she adopts an Afro/Caribbean dress style, so isn't trying to be anything other than herself, and yet she is offended when someone else notices and shows an interest. I wonder why? That makes no sense.
She was not offended because someone 'showed an interest', she was offended because, having answered that she was British, she was asked where she was 'really from...'.
I can understand the offence in that, but I don't gave to pretend that Lady Hussey was making polite conversation, because I am not bound to defend the indefensible.
I can understand the offence in that, but I don't gave to pretend that Lady Hussey was making polite conversation, because I am not bound to defend the indefensible.
Lady Susan Hussey: Where are you from?
Ngozi Fulani: Sistah Space.
Lady Susan Hussey: No, where do you come from?
Ngozi Fulani: We're based in Hackney.
Clearly at this point Fulani is confused. She's at a charity event she's been invited to, at Buckingham Palace, representing her charity - she's trying to answer the question she thinks she's being asked.
Lady Susan Hussey: No, what part of Africa are you from?
At this point the penny must have dropped. Fulani realises she's being questioned about her heritage, not her charity. But she doesn't know her heritage, so she answers ...
Ngozi Fulani: I don't know, they didn't leave any records.
Which is true. Unless she's done some kind of DNA test, she's not going to know what part of Africa her ancestors were originally from.
Lady Susan Hussey: Well, you must know where you're from, I spent time in France. Where are you from?
This is bizarre. "You must know where you're from" ... but she does know where she's from. Hackney! She doesn't know which part of Africa her ancestors were from, just as I don't know which part of Europe my ancestors were from. Why "must" she know that? And what on earth does "I spent time in France" have to do with anything?
Ngozi Fulani: Here, the UK.
This response is just the simple plain truth. She was born in the UK, and grew up in the UK. She has an English accent. She is from here, the UK.
Lady Susan Hussey: No, but what nationality are you?
Fulani has explained in some detail by now that she was from the UK. Hussey seems not to believe her. So she makes it even more plain ...
Ngozi Fulani: I am born here and am British.
And then ...
Lady Susan Hussey: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from?
It's relentless. It's not just a simple, single question. That's why Lady Susan Hussey has resigned.
Ngozi Fulani: Sistah Space.
Lady Susan Hussey: No, where do you come from?
Ngozi Fulani: We're based in Hackney.
Clearly at this point Fulani is confused. She's at a charity event she's been invited to, at Buckingham Palace, representing her charity - she's trying to answer the question she thinks she's being asked.
Lady Susan Hussey: No, what part of Africa are you from?
At this point the penny must have dropped. Fulani realises she's being questioned about her heritage, not her charity. But she doesn't know her heritage, so she answers ...
Ngozi Fulani: I don't know, they didn't leave any records.
Which is true. Unless she's done some kind of DNA test, she's not going to know what part of Africa her ancestors were originally from.
Lady Susan Hussey: Well, you must know where you're from, I spent time in France. Where are you from?
This is bizarre. "You must know where you're from" ... but she does know where she's from. Hackney! She doesn't know which part of Africa her ancestors were from, just as I don't know which part of Europe my ancestors were from. Why "must" she know that? And what on earth does "I spent time in France" have to do with anything?
Ngozi Fulani: Here, the UK.
This response is just the simple plain truth. She was born in the UK, and grew up in the UK. She has an English accent. She is from here, the UK.
Lady Susan Hussey: No, but what nationality are you?
Fulani has explained in some detail by now that she was from the UK. Hussey seems not to believe her. So she makes it even more plain ...
Ngozi Fulani: I am born here and am British.
And then ...
Lady Susan Hussey: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from?
It's relentless. It's not just a simple, single question. That's why Lady Susan Hussey has resigned.
Ngozi Fulani is not the first person to be treated in an appallingly condescending manner by people who are from a background of wealth and privilege, nor will she be the last . I am white British, and I have been quizzed about my council estate upbringing and East Midlands accent at a similar gathering. The questioner ( peer of the realm) was trying to put me in my place, didn’t work then and it won’t work at any time in the future. I am who I am and they are who they are. I did not get upset about this at the time , but I did think “here we go again” . life is way too short for that.
//Fender, did you just make up the last bit of your post at 19.30?//
What sort of question is that do you think? Peter Cook would have been proud of it. The Black jury will now retire to consider the guilty verdict.
"Black women’s domestic violence charity Sistah Space are fundraising £100,000 to create a “beautiful” specialist refuge for victims and children of African and Caribbean heritage." Domestic abuse note, for African and Caribbean heritage children. How do they know where they are from if they can't ask? Who is guilty of the "domestic abuse"? People who are not from Africa or the Caribbean? How do they know where the abusers are from. Can they tell by looking or do they ignore that? Ngozi Fulani is Head of Service at Sistah Space. ""
""A Hackney domestic violence charity is one of several organisations to receive funding from the anti-racism group Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK).
BLMUK has announced it will give £600,000 worth of funding to grassroots groups, such as Sistah Space, which are working to support Black communities.""
Blm do want to defund the police. There is a petition here if you care to support their aims. #DefundThePolice and #InvestInCommunities.
""Meghan Markle told Oprah Winfrey in 2021 that a member of the royal household had concerns about the colour of her son Archie's skin before he was born, Ms Fulani tweeted: "I can't stay silent about this. I admire Meghan for speaking out.
"According to clear definition, it seems Meghan is a survivor of domestic violence from her in-laws.""
Hmm. All this the day before Wills and Kate go to America. Handy that.
""In an interview with the Guardian in 2020, she suggested black women were not reporting their abusers because they were worried about them being killed by police.
'Women want the abuse to stop but we know what happens to black men in police custody,' she said. 'These women do not want to risk their abusers being hurt or murdered.""
Wiki used to describe her as a Black Entrepeneur with a net worth of nearly half a million £££s. The page seems to have disappeared. THe German entry is still there but goes stumm when the interpreter function is engaged. Strange that.
What sort of question is that do you think? Peter Cook would have been proud of it. The Black jury will now retire to consider the guilty verdict.
"Black women’s domestic violence charity Sistah Space are fundraising £100,000 to create a “beautiful” specialist refuge for victims and children of African and Caribbean heritage." Domestic abuse note, for African and Caribbean heritage children. How do they know where they are from if they can't ask? Who is guilty of the "domestic abuse"? People who are not from Africa or the Caribbean? How do they know where the abusers are from. Can they tell by looking or do they ignore that? Ngozi Fulani is Head of Service at Sistah Space. ""
""A Hackney domestic violence charity is one of several organisations to receive funding from the anti-racism group Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK).
BLMUK has announced it will give £600,000 worth of funding to grassroots groups, such as Sistah Space, which are working to support Black communities.""
Blm do want to defund the police. There is a petition here if you care to support their aims. #DefundThePolice and #InvestInCommunities.
""Meghan Markle told Oprah Winfrey in 2021 that a member of the royal household had concerns about the colour of her son Archie's skin before he was born, Ms Fulani tweeted: "I can't stay silent about this. I admire Meghan for speaking out.
"According to clear definition, it seems Meghan is a survivor of domestic violence from her in-laws.""
Hmm. All this the day before Wills and Kate go to America. Handy that.
""In an interview with the Guardian in 2020, she suggested black women were not reporting their abusers because they were worried about them being killed by police.
'Women want the abuse to stop but we know what happens to black men in police custody,' she said. 'These women do not want to risk their abusers being hurt or murdered.""
Wiki used to describe her as a Black Entrepeneur with a net worth of nearly half a million £££s. The page seems to have disappeared. THe German entry is still there but goes stumm when the interpreter function is engaged. Strange that.
Togo, I have read many reports from different newspapers and media sources with shall we say a wide range of viewpoints on this sort of issue and none of them have mentioned the conversation being recorded. I find this surprising if it was. So I am suggesting fender may not have been totally accurate in his assertion.
//and none of them have mentioned the conversation being recorded. I find this surprising if it was.//
I know I saw in one, at least, report that the conversation was recorded. I also note that it is repeated word for word in all reports. If the conversation was not recorded does that mean that the reported exchange may be subject to what may be called "differing recollections"? Or does someone have a very, very, good memory, or a gift for fiction? If it was recorded, what would you think that the fact indicated?
I know I saw in one, at least, report that the conversation was recorded. I also note that it is repeated word for word in all reports. If the conversation was not recorded does that mean that the reported exchange may be subject to what may be called "differing recollections"? Or does someone have a very, very, good memory, or a gift for fiction? If it was recorded, what would you think that the fact indicated?
The reports are the same because they have been copied from the same original source.
I still can't find any report of the conversation being recorded, but if you can find a (reliable) source to confirm it I will happily apologise, and then discuss motives.
Both the AB threads on the subject have included a number of posts which reflect the preconceptions of various posters on both sides of the argument rather than actual knowledge of the event and I would want to challenge out and out inaccuracies posted to further the case for one side or the other.
I still can't find any report of the conversation being recorded, but if you can find a (reliable) source to confirm it I will happily apologise, and then discuss motives.
Both the AB threads on the subject have included a number of posts which reflect the preconceptions of various posters on both sides of the argument rather than actual knowledge of the event and I would want to challenge out and out inaccuracies posted to further the case for one side or the other.
I've just seen the photos. This Ngozi not only has a foreign name, but she was dressed as some sort of African - well, not 'normal UK' clothing. I'm not surprised that Lady Hussey was confused. If Ngozi wants to identify as born and bred in the UK, why is she projecting a 'foreign' image? If I met a man wearing a kilt I'd probably ask what bit of Scotland he came from and if he said he came from Luton (wherever) I'd persist. This woman seems to me to be out to make trouble.
And if he said he was representing Luton food bank and you persisted.
... that he was from Luton.
... Luton in Bedfordshire.
... that his family were American.
... that they had been forced to leave in the 19th century because of the highland clearances.
... that they had emigrated to England, where he was born.
But yes, he is still proud of his Scots roots.
Which is true. Unless she's done some kind of DNA test, she's not going to know what part of Africa her ancestors were originally from.
no oral history tradition in Africa
yeah I noticed that as well....[ Arthur Haley and Roots and Kunta-kinnteh. someone had passed the oral witness money ( or 'moolah') to mention K-K. Made good television)
no oral history tradition in Africa
yeah I noticed that as well....[ Arthur Haley and Roots and Kunta-kinnteh. someone had passed the oral witness money ( or 'moolah') to mention K-K. Made good television)