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Anti-Semitism Of The Bbc

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Khandro | 21:34 Tue 07th May 2024 | News
38 Answers

I'm finding it hard to watch the degree of anti-Semitism being put out by the BBC each evening, it appears to be not only devoid of any criticism of the perpetrators, - Hamas, but  presenting them & their supporters as some form of victims 



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The Jewish Chronicle is what it is - it's all in the name.  The BBC is supposed to be impartial.  It's not.

Anyone remember when the BBC refused to transmit an appeal for aid for residents of Gaze after an earlier Israeli attack which killed some 3,000 Palestinians?

The woke lefties must have been on holiday when that decision was taken.

When was that?

January 2009.

Ah, showing your side again sandyRoe.

We all know where you sympathies lies now.

As for trying to compare the BBC to the Jewish Chronicle shows how desparate you are. And also going back to 2009, is that the best you can do?


Is it any worse than 1966 references when pride needs a push? 😏

//Sky and BBC refuse to air Gaza appeal

This article is more than 15 years old

Networks defy calls from staff, MPs and public on grounds of journalistic impartiality//


That must have been before the powers that be abandoned their integrity.

That was then and this is now. Funnily enough that came up a few days ago - Beeb political comment

State of Israel started off with 'lets make a state, kibbutzim, strong soical ethis" and is now a right wing authoritarian state

The correspondent  particularly didnt like Bennie Ganz

My suggestion that members of the editorial board of the JC should have the right to blue pencil any material on the BBC that they didn't like was an attempt at irony.

As for 2009, is that really so long ago?

Eurovision is full of politics.  Switch off. 

So long ago? well on the 3000 y view - invisible.

As for trying irony on AB - are you crazy ?

you mi' as well try polishing a ===

There's some nonsense being spouted here: the BBC has to be impartial which means it can't take sides. I get frustrated when the coverage of the Ukraine war isn't more gung ho but in fairness it isn't the Ukraine broadcasting company and nor should it be. The same applies here

//BBC has to be impartial //

But the problem is, it isnt on many topics, not just this one.


I think this thread has not distinguished between 'bias' and 'I dont like what your say' -  a bit like AB really

Up here in Scotland,the SNP have a dislike for the BBC also.It must be a nationalist thing.

Gaza has been modded out of AB by our most wise mods hasnt it? Or is there peace there as the Gazans dance in the street?

we should be told ( Private eye)

we wont be told (AB)

Netanyahu looks to be trying to make himself a place in the rogues gallery of tyrants.

Though he has a way to go before he can join the ranks of Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot.

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