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Petition For Another Election

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webbo3 | 09:40 Sun 24th Nov 2024 | News
128 Answers

Call a General Election - Petitions

Call a General ElectionI would like there to be another General Election.I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election.

392,000 already, it there should now be a debate



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It was a fluke majority. No doubt at all about that. It was the result of pathetic govt from the Tories and people were prepared to vote for anyone but them, much to the benefit of Labour. 
10:03 Sun 24th Nov 2024

Tora I have asked you not to call me that. I have stayed away from your threads as requested. Please stop now.

There will be both Remainers and Leavers adding their names to this petition.  The result of this government's actions will render Brexit insignificant.

Tell you what that number is rocketing up though!

10:51 I did you a deal, you stop it with the moronic BS and I'll stop too.

You asked me to stop posting on your threads I have.

i am entitled to my opinion can you please stop calling me that name.

It's not a name.

TTT, please do as you're asked.

I believe a Monarch can dismiss a Prime Minister but it has not happened since 1834 when William IV dismissed Lord Melbourne (William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne).

We need King Charles III on side 😀

Good god thats stretching it a little. :0) :0) 

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525,000 now

its flying up, it might not make any difference but it will be a massive wake up call for Keir and Labour

^^^ No it won't. :0)

//We need King Charles III on side//


That'll be the day!  He should have spoken up about Chagos but was conspicuous by his silence. I'm a monarchist, but C3 lacks the balls to say anything.

I think the problem is not that voters who chose a different party have to suck it up, it's that even labour voters that I know are dissatisfied with the government.  I'm happy to accept a democratic majority vote even if I don't agree with it but many feel that what they voted for isn't what they got.

and that's just the number who take any notice of such petitions which I would guess is about 10% of the electorate (?) - so may be representative of 5 million voters !!!🙄

That's exactly right, Omg21.  I don't think anyone expected them to do what they've done - and what they are doing.   

Have you clicked on the map to see how many have signed, even in Labour seats? 

Thanks for posting this, webbo.

President Elect, Donald Trump, might have something to say about the Chagos. I reckon 2TKS is probably quaking in his boots now that Trump has got The White House back. 

11:07, that would not get labour out, we'd end up with pound shop barbie as PM or worse!

11.14 Thats not a very nice thing to say sbout our King is it 11.14? Especially with hid present health issues. Mods should should moderate that comment.

The criminals he released early won't be signing 

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