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Petition For Another Election

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webbo3 | 09:40 Sun 24th Nov 2024 | News
128 Answers

Call a General Election - Petitions

Call a General ElectionI would like there to be another General Election.I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election.

392,000 already, it there should now be a debate



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It was a fluke majority. No doubt at all about that. It was the result of pathetic govt from the Tories and people were prepared to vote for anyone but them, much to the benefit of Labour. 
10:03 Sun 24th Nov 2024

Are you a Royalist, nicebloke?

Hardly fair, khandro,  The king won't interfere publicly in politics - but we don't know what he's said privately.

It is quite clear that this Govt is full of incompetents, chancers, liars, con-artists and crony lovers, they are wildly out of their depth and are completely ballsing-up everything, but this petition unfortunately will serve no purpose.


Pretty much the only silver lining at the moment is that its a 100% certainty they will be a one-term Govt.

//this petition unfortunately will serve no purpose.//


It's worth signing DD - if only to demonstrate the level of dissatisfaction in the country.

In fact it's so worthwhile that it could merit another thread on it being started in Politics. 🙄

646k and climbing..

Yeah let's keep having another vote until we get the result we wanted. Like brexit.

As much as I admire the sentiment, this is not how we do things in the UK.

We have a system where political parties can promise to give the electorate the moon on a silver platter in their election campaign, get elected and then provide a piece of mouldy cheese served on a dirty cracked plate (or even confiscate what little cheese the voter has in order to give it to somebody else).

Voters need to realise this and the earlier they learn it the less they are likely to be disappointed. Unfortunately it means that once in a generation or so a Labour government will be put into power. But I’m afraid you can’t just expect a re-run simply because you elected a government has gone on to behave as all governments do.

Any party that was completely open and honest about what they were actually going to do would never get voted in. 

That being the case, of course they all lie. There wouldn't be much point running otherwise.

It beggars belief that the UK persists with this wholly discredited FPTP electoral system. And with an unelected upper chamber.

Your first sentence is incorrect. The second is more reasonable though.

A huge majority voted in by 20% of the electorate isn't  a discredited system? What is?

FPTP does throw up these anomolies but it's better than any form of PR.

The Labour Government was elected to govern for 5 years.

To the people signing this petition grow up will you,.

People need to learn that sometimes in life you dont get your own way

17:16 they know that, doesn't mean they should not use any available means to express their dissatisfaction.

You lost (overwhelmingly) - get over it

coming up to 1.2m....

People might want to consider who elected Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak to office? Why were there not general elections then?

they were party leadership changes, they do not have elections.

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