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Muslin extremists

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mycatis | 10:41 Sat 11th Feb 2006 | News
129 Answers
OK OK I know this is going to make me sound stupid, but what exactly do these people actually want?? Why are the terrorists so keen on murdering us? If they hate us so much why do they live in Britain and America? I honestly don't understand what they want!


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aka estie..............I stand by what I said. The "crusades" were more than 500 years ago and I condem them. I do however think it more more logical to look at the situation now. Saying we "did that "and they" did that" serves no useful purpose.In my opinion we have to look at the situation now . The situation is Muslims, by virtue of thier faith, seek world domination. Do we want that or not???

I agree, bill. My main point was to stress that these types of acts in the name of religion are extremely dangerous, and history is rife with similar examples from more than one religion.

I am so glad no-one responded to the ridiculous comments made earlier that "racism doesn't even exist at all".

It just shows that people on here have the sense not to even reply to such idiotic statements.

GEVS1966- You just don't understand, do you? You just simply don't get it, the very nature of the 2 religions, Christianity is a genuinely peaceful religion, at least until football gets in the way and a few thick micks with their stupid nonsense, the bible does not talk about crushing all other religions, I was brought up a christian, I have attended mass every Sunday, I have NEVER sat through a sermon which is telling me to go out an kill all the non christians. The same cannot be said for Islam, Abu Hamza is just the tip of the iceberg, how many other Finsbury Parks are out there? Islam by its very nature is violent and hostile toward anything that isn't islam. I feel sorry for you, you are so naive, you slag me off for my views when you are just sounding off, spouting a load of c*ap!! BTW I will not enter into a slagging off contest, but I will keep contributing, you've done this to me before, started slagging me off to provoke me into retalliating and before we know where we are I'm getting answers banned by the ABed because you have wound me up so much!
JOKO- I will not have you call me an idiot, racism does not exist, it is merely a convienient excuse for the minorities when they come up against some criticism. The racist word is much overused nowadays and just causes trouble, anyway I'm not talking about race here,I'm talking religion, race has nothing to do with it. I even know about some British born and bred muslims who have converted and as a consequence have lost friends because they changed so much since converting!
Obviously you can't have much sense, by your logic, you found it noteworthy enough to comment on there being no such a thing as racism!!

Wheres Buddy? Normally when Gevs1966 is on the scene, buddy is not far behind, they enjoy ganging up on 'racists' !

So you're a racist.78?

Buddy to my knowledge hasnt been on AB for at least 7 or 8 months.Anyone else heard from Buddy?

Something might have happened and as we are all anon we will never know.

Racism doesn't exist, I'm against Islam if thats what you mean, I believe it to be against the west and all who live in it who are not muslims.
In any case in order to be 'racist' to need to be slagging off a country or a countrys people, I'm doing neither, I'm proclaiming my dislike and distrust for a religious faith which I believe will the cause of another world war at some point, that is not being racist!
I've been reading the last few posts and I have to say this: all moslems are Not extremists! Many of my friends who are moslem are not very religious and certainly don't want to take over the world. It is the minority of people-the fanatics and hate preachers- in that religion, that catch the attention of the media and to generalize and say that all moslems must hold the same views and therfore are all the same, is just plain wrong. Majority of the moslems I know, are educated and moderate in their views and practises and don't (have time to) follow their religion word for word, bacause they have a life.

78 - I did not call you a racist.
I said your comment that there was no such thing as racism was stupid - and it was.

I agree in this thread the issue is religion, not racism - so why keep mentioning that you think it doesn't exist? And yes, the accusation of racism does indeed get trotted out and bandied around for almost anything these days, but for you to claim racism doesn't exist at all is a ridiculous thing to say.

I suggest you read up on some history and learn about all this racism that doesn't exist!

A good place to start would be the slave trade, native american indians, the holocaust and the 'master race' etc etc

I am not going to get into a big debate about this because it is clear that is what you wanted when you made those statements, and my comment was that was glad no-one took any notice of you - so I am not going to either

You just did! The reason why I say there is no such thing as racism, is because of just what you say, it is always used in the wrong context these days, like when you say something against muslims, you are labeled a racist, when you call yourself British, this is considered racist, thats what I'm on about. No-one seems to know what racism really is anymore, so I think it has ceased to exist, I never said it never existed, it has burned itself out through overuse and misuse! But thats that, I won't mention it again.
I wasn't going to enter this debate (though its barely that) as most of you have already made up your mind, but I felt compelled to point this out: if the word "muslim" was substituted by "Jew" throughout this thread, then much of what has been said would sound exactly like the racist propaganda that was spread by Nazis. Such evil and insidious generalisations and blind, ignorant, self-righteous statements are never justified. The people on this thread know as much about Islam as the extremists i.e. nothing

SarCaustic..............I defy you to give me one example of inserting the word "Jew" for "Muslim" and it sounding exactly like the "racist nazi propaganda"

When you have done that perhaps you would like to tell a Muslim extremeist he knows nothing about Islam?

Sarcaustic-Know nothing about islam? OK then! I've came across you before as well, no-one can argue with you because you know it all, don't you! So I shan't even bother! Because all I will get is a load of rubbish about me and others being racist, even although the topic is not about race! But just for the record, even judaism isn't such an intrinsically evil religion as islam, sure they have similarities, but at least the jews can take a joke about their religion, and before you say, I have some jewish friends and so know a fair bit about the religion!

Heck I even know some black people!!! So how am I racist, even my black friends, who are christians incidentally, agree with me that islam is a truly evil, backward religion!

Maybe I have missed the point - Are you saying there is NO such thing as racism or are you saying we use the word in the wrong context?

As a Muslim i think its great all the silly racists show their true colours on ere.

Kick us out? I was born here. Same rights as you, pay the same taxes as you (probably more if ur a scouser) I dare the silly fools to come & try to kick us out. HAHAHA
Sometimes I have trouble expressing how I feel about something, what I actually mean when I say there is no such thing as racism, is that because it is used so inappropriatly and frequently, I no longer recognise it as a valid word, because no-one seems to know what it means anymore, even on here, we are talking religion, I'm sharing my views with all of you on the subject and I get labeled with this word, because it doesn't suit some of you to read some of the things I've typed. I know some of the things I write on here can be a little confusing, but gimme a break, I'm still new to this forum thing, Answerbank is the best one on the web!

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