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Gay couple in B&B

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AKMild | 12:03 Tue 18th Jan 2011 | News
182 Answers
I see that the gay couple who were refused a double room in a B&B have won their case and been awarded £1800 damages. I'm not sure of the background facts, so can't really comment, but the hoteliers were found to have acted unlawfully. Does anyone know which law they actually broke and what the damaged were in respect of?


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maybe they were concerned the couple would spent the whole weekend watching 'Glee' in the residents lounge. (sorry)

But if clubs can practise 'acceptable refusal' based on person/people 'looking like trouble' then again its a grey area that lends itself to discrimination.
aog - I think you're getting too hung up on demographics! It's not about the minority and majority, it's about equality.
no, that's what I mean booldawg, they can't legally, I don't think, but they do and then come up with some 'acceptable' excuse if questions like suggesting they looked too drunk or they were rude to the doormen.
I have been following this thread with great interest & have thought of some questions that need answering.
A farmer has gone to town to sell a Ewe, the Ewe is not sold & on his way home his car breaks down so he decides to stay at the local Hotel, would he be banned from taking a room with his Ewe ( because he is wearing his wellieboots?) or would a bloke be refused a room because his bag burst open in reception & his rubber girlfriend fell out ? The world's gone mad.

/// AOG do you have any figures to back up that you are a minority? ///

/// And under what aspect are you a minority? ///

If you had followed the posts you would have noticed that another ABer told me I was a minority, because of my views.
............on the pages of AB, AOG.
I think parliament is a little busy to be formulating laws to protect your delicate sensibilities on a web-site.
Just to throw some more fuel on the fire can i ask

'Is there a pecking order?'

The Equality act specifically protects against discrimination for reasons of:-
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
Religion or belief
Sexual orientation

There was no protection of the religious beliefs of the couple who owned the hotel was there?
I hope this gay couple now seek out a muslim hotel, I would love to see the outcome of that.
So I could go to a women's only Anne Summers party and they couldn't say no because it's women only?
You're about 3 and a half hours late, mick..............we did the 'muslim' angle from about 11.15 am until it spluttered to a halt.
I say that jack because it is my belief that this couple targeted the hotel.
I personally haven't got any time for religion, but there does seem to be a pecking order. Gay V Muslim in the next round would be interesting.

/// this isn't putting restrictions on all heterosexuals, the majority of heterosexuals aren't such raging homophobes! ///

If you are referring to me, you are completely out of order.

Why have you classed me a raging homophobic?

Nowhere have I been against homosexuals, only about the freedom to accept them or not.

This should be a freedom of choice, just like it is to accept or not accept any other person.

What would you say for instance if they were to introduce a law that says you had to accept me, or any other person for that matter?

Rightly or wrongly this couple should have had the right to accept or refuse entry to their hotel, for whatever reason they thought fit.
The law says otherwise, AOG...............

I would be interested to see a heterosexual couple sue a gay nightclub for non-admittance on the grounds of their sexuality. That would be easier to arrange than the gay coulple/Muslim guesthouse thing because...there aren't that many Muslim guest houses, and on top of that - it's the Christians (adoption agencies, registrars, B&B owners) who have been most vocal about refusing to serve gays, not Muslims.

Odd that, isn't it?

/// The law says otherwise, AOG..............///

And you yourself agree with each and every law, do you?.
-- answer removed --
"I find it very hard to imagine anyone hunting through all the B&B's in the UK looking for one to do this to. "

At £1800 a go, it would be a very worthwhile thing to do.
my daughters class (she's 5) recently went on a school visit to a mosque (they have also been to a church)

Only 2 children stayed behind, dissallowed to go by their parents based on religious grounds (Catholic and Jehovahs Witness)

They were allowed to use religion as a reason to stop their child going. This is similar to this story whereby religious principles have been allowed to make a decision.

I'm sure you fully understand how the Equality Act works.

You couldn't be refused a job on grounds of your age, or refused a hotel room on the grounds of your religion or any service based on your gender. It's absolutely NOT in favour of minorities, it's just that you get to hear about these cases because minorities are still discriminated against.

It will become less and less of an issue in the coming decades.
But I try to abide by them.
If you are in a business constrained by legislation, it makes sense to do so. And if you can't, get out of the business.

It's not hard to grasp.
have we had the 'muslims refusing to serve bacon at Tescos' slant yet?

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