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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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"Cant be bothered with making responses to the likes of kromovacuum"

What are the likes of kromovacuum
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I didn't say that people have to resort to insults - merely that some people express their views from a personal, rather than a detached perspective.
...and you, doc, have a very selective memory if you can't recall the insults that you have made...
If I were famous and I knew young people treated me as a role model I would like to think being open about who I was would maybe help those growing up with the possibility they might be gay to feel more at ease with the prospect... in the same way if it helps to dismiss the stereotypes so they feel they can still be sportsman/woman/actor or whatever.
In the same way a sports personality admitting they suffer from diabetes (Sir Steve Redgrave) Asthma (Paula Radcliffe) or other common but seen as limiting health problem helps others to understand the condition need not hold them back if they really want to achieve.
I was out when nursing and this meant patients who were gay felt able to discuss things with me that they felt they couldn't mention with others.... surely the important thing is to use what you are given as a gift not turn it into a curse to blight your life.
Well said rowanwitch - geting the thread back on track as well as making a valid addition to the debate.
rowan:....but doc doesn't want gay people to feel comfortable with themselves, or to achieve anything worthwhile....
really good point Rowan, you could say it essentially comes down to perceived boundaries (no deliberate cricket pun!)and existing professionals going to show they're not actually there. Everyone likes to look for examples to prove an idea, and now Steve Davis is an example of a gay man in cricket.
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I think he'd be ok if he could pretend it wasn't happening..

I wouldn't mind if those who were so strongly anti anything did it from a position of knowledge and reasoned consideration...
Decisions based on feelings are not always reliable but I appreciate that for a number of reasons people find the subject difficult to discuss in an objective fashion as it evokes such strong visceral responses. We will not move Doc or Joeluke or others of similar bent.... but unlike the dinosaurs they will not persist for millennia.
Again well said rowanwitch - was your use of the word 'bent' deliberate BTW?

Is this not stereotyping

The sort of man who man who loudly shouts things like 'Backs to the wall lads ...' and similar 'witicisms is usually the man who'se body is spectacularly safe from the advances of even the most desparate gay within a five mile radius. ;;;
I rarely post anything that I don't mean..... :-)
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I thought Steve Davis played snooker........?
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It is reefer - but in this context I make no apology for it.

Individuals who like to see homosexual men as rampant sexual predators with limitless lust and the morals of alley cats lay themselves open to similar stereotyping, which hopefully points out the stupditiy of such an attitude.

From my experience, homosexuals have a highly tuned radar based on the need to avoid approaches to inappropriate individuals whicn can lead to embrassment at best, and violence at worst.

Heterosexual bigots don't bother with such niceties - they can be boorish and ignorant about everyone, it's far simpler that way, and doesn't strain limited intellects.
Sorry Doc i beg to differ, In Germany before world war 2 the Germans were taught that the Jews were bad people hence the hatred that a lot of Germans had.
Now in English schools kids are taught that being Gay is natural so if you can brainwash enough of them the dislike of Gay people will end
There must be doc.....!
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