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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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Dave the Dog....Stoke Newington. Islington and a few places around Liverpool Street and Old Street they leave the nice places to the boys...although Kudos nr Trafalgar Sq was pretty mixed on a Saturday lunchtime
Rowan - When I was out and about The Vauxhall Tavern and a pub in Islington were the only real venues.

I did go to Heaven on the night it opened as I had previously gone to it when it was The Global Village Trucking Company.

I went there a few times after but it really wasn't for me not because it was gay but it played house music.
Ah..........Sunday Lunchtimes in the VT trying to avoid Adrella.............happy days.......:o)
The Edge on Soho Square was one of the places I went to with friends in the past although I think the gay crowd have given up on it... The Spiral Staircase nr Liverpool Street, and I did do Heaven a few times but only in the bar upstairs.... more choice in Birmingham and all pretty close together .....never really one for the evening scene mostly mixed with friends.
Saw a great drag king at the VT one night she did 'straight man dancing' can't remember her name though....always had a friendly mixed crowd until the queens got p*ss*d and catfights broke out ....met a girl called Donna ...pretty but very young... cowardly me gave her a false phone no...
Hang on ... gay Ab'er's swapping venue advice? Are you trying to give Doc a heart attack????

Thank heavens AOG hasn't seen this thread yet!!!

Quick nurse - the screens ....
Rowan the bar upstairs - when it was The Global Village Trucking Company I saw somethings in that bar I can tell you.
Andy - for the record Straight as an arrow, but I am sure of my sexuality so I can talk about it tell the cows (or bulls) come home :-)

The only thing you have to worry about socialising with gay people (as with any other people) is do they buy thier round. :-)
just memories....
But if they saw what wasn't going on back then they'd see there is nothing to get worked up about... nothing like the predatory image they had in mind ....mostly young ones going....ooooh do you think he fancies me.... go on ask for his phone number... and older ones complaining they couldn't hold a conversation because the music was too loud....
The London apprentice however.........(never went.... not brave enough)
Scuse me Dave - I know you will not take offence at my assumption.
Not at all Andy Not at all :-D
Andy i am sure with the Doc living near Manchester for most of his life he has seen what the Gay scene is like in the village, one does not need to go in the village to see some sights.
I shouldn't think he has, reefer............I think he'll have made it his business NOT to have gone anywhere near The Village. And to be perfectly honest Canal Street is a pretty poor example of anything like a 'gay village'.........
What do you mean Canal Street is a pretty poor example of anything like a 'gay village'.........

Have you been down there at the weekend in the summer
Canal Street....too young and enough straights pretending to be 'ok' wouldn't even touch it at festival time
Think about it reefer - who is more likely to know what a gay village is actually like - you and i who are straight men and know little of what we see apart from superficial impressions - or jack who is a gay woman.

i find it's often best to allow superior knowledge to set the pace at these times.
Hordes of people standing around with a bottle of beer does not constitute a gay village....
Festival time i give that area of Manchester a very wide berth

rowanwitch;;too young and enough straights pretending to be 'ok' ;;

Sounds a bit bigoted do you not like a straight going down there to have a drink with some Gay friends
It's not the ones with gay friends its the ones who go down because its 'cool' or the DJ is hot... and then get drunk and take the p out of the rest of the folk there....

It used to happen a lot a Pride events especially London... used to spoil it really ....we went to events like this/we go to gay venues so we don't have to feel like members of a minority group for a few hours....I had it hard enough being 'femme' I don't need a gang of sub adults telling me I am a pervert in 'my space'
So Andy my Gay friends who go in the vilage a few times a week and have done so since the village started have not got a real idea of what is going on.

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