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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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This thread has come a long way from Steve Davis and his announcement.
Bum sex is not the only act that some think is distasteful. Said this loads of times before...people, both straight and gay, do bizarre things in the bedroom...or out the bedroom. Just don't think about it...problem solved.
Jack who said i think about it
It was my answer to Kromovaracun
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So you don't think about it ?
But it still forms the basis of your distaste..........righto..........
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Not all of them Doc...
As I'm not a gay man, doc, I can't tell you what *all* gay men do..........
Jack don't try and twist this read Kromovaracuns post that was my answer to him.
It does not matter if it be man and man, man and woman , dog and a ferret it is not natural it is for the waste to leave the body .
< Will never understand why blokes fancy blokes. >

I don't understand why men fancy women, or why I fancy men. I just do. The same as men can fancy men and women can fancy women. They just do.
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reefer - I understand that.........
However, I bet when you are in the company of 'straight' people you'll spend less time considering whether they do *that* than when you are with your gay friends.........
<Normal natural human nature>

Yes, that is exactly what homosexuality is. See you are learning.
No i can honestly say i don't Jack it sends a shiver down my spine
////This thread has come a long way from Steven Davies and his announcement.////

Yes, and it is very worrying. The England cricket team often has a battle on its hands, but if one of the selected players is batting for the other side, God help us!
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It's MY point of view, doc.
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