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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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reefer - Being gay gives you a differing viewpoint. answer your question to me.. no, you haven't answered my question! So you may have gay friends (you didn't actually say you have) and you've been for a drink in 'the village', that doesn't really mean too much about your views. You seem very reluctant to say that you're not homophobic but equally as reluctant to say you are, if you're like that with complete strangers you may very well be like that with your mates so not feeling comfortable standing up for your beliefs if they were going for pints in what's considered to be a gay area.
I'm not saying that IS the case, but an example of how you're not answering my question. Just a yes or no was all I was asking for.
There have been some complaints about that sort of thing rowanwitch but how do you stop it

Would you like someone like paul asking people to fill a questioner in before being allowed into a Gay bar
its is an easy questionnaire really if its one question, yes or no!
I made no reference to your friends reefer, gay or straight - I was talking to you.

To the best of my knowledge, your friends are not contributing here - just you, so we only have your views to discuss with you.
I tend to vote with my feet and avoid such places...
paul what difference does it make to you

paul a couple i know are gay they were running a pub we would go for some drinks in the vilage and have been for a meal in China town on many occasions.

The pub they ran was not a gay pub but the bars and clubs that we would have a drink in down the village are gay

What has it got to do with you , a simple question for you to answer

What clubs and pubs i go in is my business and has got NOTHING to do with anyone on this site
Me too... being older most gay bars don't want my custom anyway so its nice country pubs...we look more like a WI outing now as we're all of a certain one cares and as middle aged ladied become invisible no more problems
rowan - do you qualify for the wonderful entendre 'ladies in comfortable shoes'?
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I should point out 'gym bunny' is a reference to gay GUYS not women!!
reefer - I didn't ask what pubs you drink in or why you did, I really don't care where you drink, I asked a question, a very simple one, which you are skirting round answering so if you're going to leave it open without answering then Ill have to make assumptions based on what you've been saying and how you've reacted to the question.
rowanwitch think you have just picked the wrong bars :)
OH SP my bad soz :-)

Rowan in my experience of publicans they want your money. If you were a three headed alien carrying a ray gun as long as you had a fiver they would serve you.

As a person well the wrong side of 40 I think its us, never mind the orentation, that feels out of place in young drinking establishments.
The publicans want your money...........but trying to get the bar-staff to notice and serve you is an entirely different matter...
pa___ul3 how can i be homophobic if i will go for a drink in Gay bars and have done so for a number of years

paul what difference does it make to you
Birmingham is difficult
Been turned away from Route66 and the Nightingale as the bouncers thought I was either too old or too ugly...
Can't stand the Fox too busy

Missed the days friends go on about...the cardi brigade in the grosvenor and the old Jester.... The Pelican was pretty good for a while til it got tooo butch

Maybe it is an age thing....London is better....during the day....Used to love 'first out.'...could spend a lovely hour with a pot of tea and their chocolate fudge cake before going down to Silver Moon lesbian bookshop....
Jack you must have picked the wrong bar on the wrong night
Jack I always go to the places where everybody knows my name.

I was in China town last week and I went to pub, cross section but you couldn't sit down, I paid £15.50 for 4 drinks I was glad to get home. :-D

Yes I am that old git, I thought I would never become.
reefer - I've been 'out' longer than I was 'in' ............I've drunk in all manner of bars in all manner of places.....if you are the wrong age/sex in a bar, you'll struggle to get served until the 'bright young things' have had their drinks.

I used to drink in the First Out and have a mooch about in Silver Moon.........I was last in there a week before it closed......2001 (?)
that's like saying you can't be racist because you go for a curry! If you're not homophobic why not just say that? Although some of the comments you've made have suggested otherwise...which would lead someone to ask, if you're not homophobic, how could you make comments like that? See what I'm getting at? I basically just asked out right, it was that fact that you skirted round my question so many times that got to me, I find it quite rude.

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