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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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The best way NOT to get insulted, is not to BE really is that simple.
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I just want to back up something mentioned nearly EVERY case where a straight chap has used the old "backs to the walls lads" or something similar, you can guarantee that he will not be the kind of man that gay men generally would fancy anyway.

They generally fall into the ermmm...'flabby' end of the market, which is absolutely fine if you have a great personality...but unfortunately, they generally don't.

They are known by the collective noun - 'Clarksons'.
On another thread Jack i made a couple of posts and was classed as a bigot a nasty nasty person.

I will go back to what i have said before we will soon have to post a gay friends phone number before we can post on some threads so that we will not get insulted

Who are the real bigots
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The person who is obsessed with anal sex and cannot help thinking of anal sex when discussing gay rights DOES (in my non-professional opinion) have issues that he needs to address.

This person ALWAYS refers to anal sex.

He is (IMO)...ummm...a bit odd.
if it doesn't matter then why not just give a yes or a no? Is it perhaps an ideology you follow but don't like to be labelled with?
It doesn't matter at all who your friends are, you are who you are, not who your friends make you.
sp1814 are all Gay people nice and slim or do they come in all shapes and sizes.
Absolutely sp1814!

The urge to say "Do you really in your wildest dreams imagine that a guy like that would fancy a fat ugly bigoted loudmouthed buffoon like you?" (thanks to Cleese and Booth) is sometimes overwhelming, but given that the speaker is usually feeling intimidated and fearful, the ongoing testosterone rush would probably prompt him into violence, so it's best left alone.
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Why did someone call you a bigot (sorry - tried to read through the whole thread but it's a bit of a slog).

Also, you know that having a gay friend isn't an automatic get out card from bigotry (not saying you are).

It's like "I'm not racist - I have black friends". I doesn't quite work that way.

Remember - I am NOT saying you're a bigot.
That was a different thread and no-one here has said anything remotely similar to you. Your repetition of 'gay friends 'phone number' is a silly scenario.....all you ever need to say is that you either accept that gay people have a right to go about their lives without having to undergo the regular sort of insults dished out on these pages.

or you don't........and explain why you don't in a rational manner......
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Gay men are generally in better shape than their straight counterparts because of a biological truth, which I'll try to explain very briefly.

Gay men and straight women spend more time on their appearance than straight men, because men are biologically predetermined to seek out a mate their physically attracted to.

This is why, if you went to a gay bar and looked around you would see a freakishly high number of what is called 'gym bunnies'.

Of course, not all gay men have bodies like Ronaldo, but significantly more of them do, when compared to straight men.

This means that straight guys with average physiques need never worry about having their 'backs to the wall', because there's sufficient gay men who are far more attractive, to go round.
[Non editorial comment]

///They are known by the collective noun - 'Clarksons'.///

I thought if you had more than 4 of them they were known as a Wattle? A Wattle of Clarksons is what I've always known it as....

Spare Ed

[Editorial transmission resumes]
You've made no insults? I'd really like to see what you're definition of one is, because from the outset your argument has never once been based on reasoning of any kind. You've been childish (e.g. 'poof or proof'), called gay people 'perverted', you've insinuated that gay people should considered inferior because of they are 'genetically disabled' and have made no effort whatsoever to engage with people challenging you in a way that's rational or mature. I won't lie - I really, really hate it when people on AB make the arguments personal (and that's not what I'm trying to do at all), but seriously - as a gay man, how the HELL am I supposed to not feel insulted?

Do you have some inkling that what you're saying won't stand up to rational scrutiny? Is there any reason you're making the argument you're making other than that it just feels 'right' to you? I honestly believe that the answer to both of those is 'no'.
Don't take it personally Kromo - he also has similar views on single parents and anyone on benefits regardless of the circumstances...
unfortunately the reverse appears true of many of the women I have seen in 'women only ' bars... Why so many seem to want to look like poor physical example of men I can't fathom... I did ask a butch friend once and she said its so she could be identified by other gay women...and she felt the feminine 'girlies' her word not mine were 'letting the side down' and wanting the advantages of passing for straight....
My feminine friends would be mortified ... Still we had that discussion last year ...
I'm not really taking it personally - the 'how am I...' thing is just rhetorical. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like an answer to it, though.
sp1814 ;; freakishly high number of what is called 'gym bunnies'. ::
Let me explain something to you i have had plenty of drinks down the village and they come in all shapes and sizes certainly not all 'gym bunnies' and i would go as far to say not a lot were 'gym bunnies'.
You only have to look at the time John savident picked someone up at naps to see how wide the shape and sizes of people are.

pa___ul3 happy now ,have you got all the info you want
Sp sorry I have to take issue with your last statement. I am aware that it is very easy to generalise about every strata of society, BUT, I used to work in advertising which for some reason, appeared, to attract a higher than normal percentage of "gay" people.

So in my limited experiance - Gay ladies want to be men they dress like men and do thier best to act like men they are fat and slovenly, those that are not of the above description never struck me as remotly "gym bunny" material quite the opposite.

The only gym bunnys in a gay bar are blokes.

I want to add that I am not being derogatory, just passing on my observations.
Davethedog - To a certain extent I agree with you. There is quite a well-defined split between those who are pubbers/clubbers and those who are less 'on the scene'. It is a curious circumstance that the male pubbers/clubbers tend to be gym bunnies whilst their female counterparts are not..........and away from the scene the reverse is often true; well as often as these things generally are, anyway.
Jack as I said my experiance is to a degree limited I mixed with gay blokes and girls but in a collegue way rather than mates. This is how I know gay people aren't life threatening :-)

I did/do go out in the middle of London and I have never seen the "wimmin" out and about but there are obviously gay ladies so I agree.

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