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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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reefer - i think the debate needs to be wary of use of words like 'normal' and 'natural'.

In its dictionary definition, the word 'normal' refers to 'the norm' as in the majority, so strictly, it is appropriate use of the term.

However, we should be mindful of the wider use of the term, which infers that 'normal' is the correct, and therefore anything that does not conform is 'abnormal'.

It is appropriate therefore to take care when using terms like 'normal' and 'natural' when referring to a specific strata of society - because no-one is comfortable with having aspects of themselves seen as 'abnormal', or 'unatural', which rightly leads to anxiety and defensiveness.

I am bald and short-sighted, therefore, statistically, I do not conform fo 'the norm', but I would not wish to be referred to as 'abnormal' for these traits about which I have no choice.

A little thought about the perceptions and feelings of others on the thread will certainly help to avoid side-tracking and unpleasant exchanges.
Andy that is just your opinion just like i have mine. Anyone who comes on this site and does not speak up and shout that he likes Gays is classed as a Homophobic bigot.
Read some of the past posts members feel they have to say i have Gay friends etc,
what next will members need to put the mobile phone number of a Gay friend to have a say on this site so they will not face a load of insults.
reefer - The only people facing criticism are those who couch their views in insulting terms..........merely holding those views, whilst disappointing, will not flag them up for any sort of abuse.
reefer - I think you are somewhat over-generalising here.

As anyone who knows me on this site knows, I am a passionate defender of the rights of any opressed minority, but for the record, I have no gay or black friends at all at present.

No-one is dismissed as being homophobic or bigoted until they post opinions which learly indicate trhat this is their stated position.

It is not necessary to have gay friends in order to state that homophobia is fundamentally wrong, and to vigourously argue that position.
No-one is dismissed as being homophobic or bigoted until they post opinions which learly indicate trhat this is their stated position. ;;;

Suggest you read back throgh the posts on this thread if you honestly believe that
reefer - conversely can you see, on any posts on this thread, quite where there are comments which may have offended gay ABers, or the more enlightened straight contributors ?
I have read back - my statement stands. No-one is castigated as a bigot or homophobe unless they make it clear that this is their viewpoint. Nothing is to be gained by generally attributing attitudes and opinions to people at random and then attacking them for those imagined mindsets.

The AB debates have always worked on a point / counter-point basis - this one is no exception.
so reefer, are you a homophobe?
Jack does this peson need therapy or were you just saying this to insult him

He's here again...........picturing hairy ar$es............have you considered therapy, ETY ?
21:05 Mon 28th Feb 2011

I read that as you are saying he has a mental problem ?
reefer - EYT regularly exhibits his utter disgust at all things gay by posting the most graphic and gratuitous descriptions of acts which he believes are 'unnatural'.
I merely wondered out loud whether his obsession was quite healthy and if it might mask some deeper seated problems....?
pa---ul3 do i sound like one, have i said something to upset the Gays on here or have you got some bigoted idea set in your mind.
When you say ;;; deeper seated problems....? ;; do you mean as in mental problems
it was a question reefer, nothing more. So are you?
Don't be trying to put words in my mouth............
I think he has 'issues' which are NOT the same as mental problems.
And you haven't addressed my earlier question to you.
And you haven't replied to my last post reefer - can i take it that we are in agreement?
Funny how some people have to answer a question and some do not.
To whom are you referring, reefer ?
to be fair reefer, as simple yes or no is all I'm after, not too much for an articulate chap like yourself is it?
Does it make a difference pa--ul3 i posted earlier on that soon we will have to put a Gay friends phone number on when we post so that we will not get insulted,

I hardly think that if i had some gay friends that i could be classed as homophobic

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