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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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Rowan - Just remember its thier loss not yours. What do bouncers know?
oh and sorry to everyone else for keeping on, I'm doing my own head in now!
May have been in the basement of Silver moon at the same time seemed to go there most Saturdays Great shop still miss it...Amazon is not as much can google but not ogle
I was just going to post 'keep going pa___ul3 ...' I admire tennacity!
Jack I will have to check , don't know if the bar i liked is still open , next door to me are Gay and work down the village so next time i have a chat i will ask them.
Any person, any age, any shape or size was welcomed with a smile and served very quickly.
No noisy music, pianist in the corner would play requests thing is the smoking ban killed a lot of trade to some of these places.
paul I find it quite rude of you to ask

As for some of the things they may get up that is a different matter is that what is getting you confused
then you should have said straight away you don't like me asking that question! If you're not comfortable answering it then that's up to you. However, you can't really then get offended if, having refused to answer the question, people make assumptions one way or the other.
Oh and see what you're doing there, you little rascal, but no, I'd be more than happy to say if I were gay,in fact I'd probably be the type to come out publicly if I were a celeb, but I'm not a celeb nor am I gay, nor have I ever actually pondered whether I am coming to think of it. You could have just asked me out right!

Separating the actions of somebody and the person themselves is a fallacy. The whole 'hate the sinner not the sin' idea really doesn't work that well in practice.

Let me demonstrate - just recently, I found out that a guy who had been nothing but friendly and nice to me every time I'd seen/interacted with him had in the recent past sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend and, privately, is utterly unrepentant. As a result, I don't want to associate with him anymore - because of his actions. To take a more positive and less extreme example, I'm aware that nearly everyone I know regularly pirates movies. I disapprove of piracy, but I don't care about it enough to lose any friends over it - but if I did (hypothetically), I'd have to.

You can't separate gay people from 'what they get up to' - it's not another matter at all. And while 'the act' is only a small part of who they are, if they didn't get up to what they do, then they wouldn't be gay.
"'hate the sinner not the sin' "

Ehm... other way round, sorry.
paul i am not bothered what you are you could be a little green martian the answers would have been just the same.

How do you know what the truth is, if i said my wife was Asian how would you know she wasn't.

There is one person on this site that is posting as a women and i have had an email with some information that proves she is a he under a false name.

That information could be wrong or just a coincidence but who knows ?

I would say that i am not homophobic but is that the truth, you would need to ask my Gay friends and see what they have to say and if i was why would they invite me for a drink and a meal.

So know we go back to your question what difference does it make to you.
it makes no difference to me personally, it was a question I asked out of interest that, as I've said, I only carried on asking because you kept skirting round it.
Don't know why you brought up about other people posting falsely, of course we can only take each person at face value, which is what I have been doing with you and thusly surmising that you hold a lot of homophobic views. I doubt your friends would approve of some of the things you've said in this thread and in the "goes anyone really care" thread. But hey, it's not black and white is it. If you've got gay friends and don't put them down for who they are then good on you.
I am going to try and say this in a nice way Kromovaracun. My bum has a waste pipe and i think that is all it should be used for ie waste.
Does not matter if it is a female pipe or male pipe it is for waste to leave the body.
I do not find it natural for it to be used for any other thing.

Before paul asks yes my Gay friends know this
How can I break this to you gently reefer - we already know!!!!!!
;;You can't separate gay people from 'what they get up to' - it's not another matter at all. And while 'the act' is only a small part of who they are, if they didn't get up to what they do, then they wouldn't be gay. :::

Just pointing it out Andy
but that doesnt matter reefer because you're not gay (not that it automatically makes you gay if you read the GQ sex pages).
Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others are wrong to like it. If you're getting biological, then there's said to be the male equivalent of the g-spot up there so maybe it should be used for sexual pleasure after all!
............and so, we reach the final (bottom ?) denominator...........

Any time there is a discussion about anything 'gay' there are some who cannot see the word without automatically attaching *that* particular act to it.

I really think that those of you who are guilty as charged on that point ought to just accept that 'we' are aware of your viewpoint and save yourselves the bother of posting...
Why do you feel the need to point it out to me> Or indeed anyone?

Your sexuality may appear blurred around the edges, but your prehistoric atrtitudes to sexuality shine through like a beacon.
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Jack that was my answer to Kromovaracun please remember i did say male or female
And you think about it as often when you are with a straight couple as you do when you are with your gay friends, do you ?

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