the moistness, maam, well its the moat......I have tried cleaning out his Nibs old underwear, but quite frankly I would have preferred to be Imogen cleaning out her lover's wear - and I suspect that despite their deviancy, his underwear would have been easier to dispose of than His Nibs.
I thought you were running a wee trip to North of Hadrian's this week. More fool me as on offer is
1/2 a bottle of Buckfastleigh hooch, the other 1/2 having disappeared down the throat of Lady Karenmac or one of her friends,
1/2 a piece of chewing gum from your namesake, LadyA, as he is watching the contretemps between the Picasso's and the Lowry's this evening on the screen known as a TV, the programme, BGT meaning Barcelona's Got Talent. (Not at the moment).
1/2 a haggis as donated by an Scottish ABer friend of ours, who has no taste buds whatsoever
1/2 a bottle of the finest Highland Park, (was full until the Ed got hold of it)
1/2 a pair of Princess Zara's panties but then one England Rugby Captain got to the other 1/2 and tore it off me.
1/2 a Scottish Moat cleaner, Steg thought it was a sheep worth saving and we had a wee scrap for it. Sorry.
Cheers (would you like Sir Alex's kecks if I can get Ryan Diggs to nick them tonight, after the fight on ITV?)