I am sure the usual sumptuous array of drinks and nibbles will appear shortly.
Raffle contributions so far
Two under ripe bananas
A jar of Branston Pickle (sell by date June 1998)
A pair of long johns (salmon pink)
4 books of sudoku puzzles only some completed.
We are having trouble attracting speakers at the moment. Apparently the word is out on the 'circuit' that sometimes it can be rather damp here. Cannot think why.
Lady Alex, you knowest all; I seek in vain
What lands to till or sow with seed -
The land is black with Lore and weed,
Nor cares for falling Mamyas or rain.
Lady Alex, Thou knowest all; I sit and mope
With TTFN eyes and hands that fail,
Till the last lifting of the AOG veil
And the first opening of the Moat.
Lady Alex, Thou knowest all; I cannot see.
I trust I shall not live in Pain,
I know that we shall drink again
In some Tailcock saturated Alley.
DT - I may need my varifocals more than ever now, but my hands never fail me. Did I mention before that I have knocked someone out with a right hand uppercut? True ☺
Purple! Like the poem. "When I am an old lady I will wear purple..."
Now officially old I must go and buy some more purple unmentionables.
So glads Mamy is safe, if not sound. Seem to have an empty glass here.