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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 15th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all .

It has been drawn to the attention of the Committee that a large number of coats have been placed in the Lost Property cupboard.
As the cupboard is now full to bursting, members are asked to retrieve them at their earliest convenience. Alternatively, perhaps the butler could find an alternative hidey-hole.

All contributions for the raffle will be gratefully received.

The Committee have also asked for it to be pointed out that the raffle draw is conducted under conditions of scrupulous fairness. Anyone who wins, wins fair and square.


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It most assuredly is Matron & has been placed in its own holding tank.
Good evening Malady - been a while since I've been able to get to the manor on a Saturday night, You know what hospitals and nurses are like. Mama has already heard about my case on the grapevine. But aloud to come tonight if I am chaperoned - I hope you don't mind Jenny coming with me?

We have searched for riffle prizes and have

A large marrow
Recycled nipple pads (7 off)
Some beetroot flavoured blamange
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I've always avoided camel coats as I thought they gave me a funny shape in the backal area.
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Welcome back TonyV I am so pleased to see you again.
Welcome to Jenny have some tailcocks and loosen off the straps.
Good evening Master Tony - I see you've honoured the "plus 1". Interesting, most guests prefer not to for some reason.

Please allow me to hide your coats while I provide you with Green Griffins, Matron's tailcock of the night.
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I had completely forgotten about he tanks in the labyrinth, LIK...they must have been there since WW2. Are teh caterpillars OK ?
Alas m'lady, they are caterpillars no longer...
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Too bad about the coats then....
Hello Tony and Jenny too of course.

Not more creatures!! Caterpillars now tut.

The way to avoid the humpty back I find is to wear the coat front to back is awkward to do tour toggles up granted
Lie - in - we would love to inbibe in some tailcocks - normal 1/2 Jenny is fully qualified psyciatric nurse - so should be able to handle it
a jolly eve to all,sorry forlate arrival avoidably detained in the coal cellar,rest of slum too hot.I've checked the coats,several are my dad's,he went awol from hame for the confused,tends to swap outfits
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I'll bear that in mind next time I consider a coat, Mamya.

Would be warmer for walking against the wind too...wonder if Marcel wore his coats like that ...

Don't stint on teh tailcocks, TonyV . I'm sure you and Jenny do not need half measures.
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Welocme, Petal. Sorry for your delay. Do have a tailcock. We have a psyk physia mental nurse in tonight, so all should be well
Good evening, Miss petal, how very pleasant to see you again.

Please feel free to take your dad's coats at the end of the evening. In the meantime, I have a new place to hide your coat while you sup upon a Griffin...
Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em before the moths get loose, they're lovely!
Good evening to you. Late again. Trying to defrost the refrigerator whilst watching Strictly and coping with a fire alarm which goes off whenever I open the kitchen door when the oven is on.
However, for the rifle I have a bulb catalogue, a lidless kilner jar, a signed photograph of Robbie Savage (got two others) and an empty box of tissues after this morning's game.
you are so kind your lioness,I'll have a double thanks,have had my meds for the day
Good evening, Miss Daisy - probably best not to use the oven...
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Good evening, sorry for your loss.
Thankyou both. Truth to tell I am absolutely sated with salad and I feel a bout of hiraeth coming on.

Do not dare to touch the navy blue gaberdine mac with detachable hood and plaid lining! Especially if it has 10 Nelson in the left hand pocket. The right hand pocket has a ticket for a Villa match in 1964.

A tailcock please before I start blubbing.

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