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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 15th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all .

It has been drawn to the attention of the Committee that a large number of coats have been placed in the Lost Property cupboard.
As the cupboard is now full to bursting, members are asked to retrieve them at their earliest convenience. Alternatively, perhaps the butler could find an alternative hidey-hole.

All contributions for the raffle will be gratefully received.

The Committee have also asked for it to be pointed out that the raffle draw is conducted under conditions of scrupulous fairness. Anyone who wins, wins fair and square.


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♫ Ladle ay eeee oh ♫ gosh these are good
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♪Ghost riders in the sky-ee♪

Or do I have the wrong song ?
Not sure which one were you thinking of.
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neither am I now....good stuff tonight, Mamya.
I think next week we should possibly offer an invitation to some members of the home for the bewildered, I dont think there will be a repeat of the last "incident" and we really need to get to know them so if or when we have to go at least there will be someone to talk to. What do other guests think?
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Here we are.
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I don't think you are aware of the full history with next door, giveup.
They are a bunch of thugs who try to invade us at every turn.
Mamya will confirm this.
Am I too late for the green griffins? Just back from Llama hunting in the Trossachs, so I shall pass on the venison burgers too close a reminder of Bambi's mum.
Tailcocks tailcocks get em from the bucket they are yummy
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Welcome, nungate. There are always tailcocks available here.
Mamya brews them by the bucketload.
Ladle me a quart if you please I'm spitting feathers here - champers run out hours ago..........
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poor you, nungate...and you all by your cell too..
Ladled up, do have some dainties.
Ta very much my best beloved ate all the dainties I bought at the continental market earlier don't suppose you have any vollyvents?
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How did the llama hunt go ?
Did you find any , or were you thrown off track by the alpacas ?
A veritable stack of various voltrvons
Bit of a struggle really, bagged two of them would you like them for the menagerie? Managed to get a scarf from an alpaca that's me set for winter now. The vollyvents look delish I'll take a half dozen any more green griffins? I'd a great aunt who used to hunt them, and then she squeezed all the juice from them nothing quite like a green griffin juice first thing...........................but the juice is so much better in the tailcocks
Shall have to be going soon as I wish to paddle in the moat before I leave.Will give some thought to your job offer milady. Thank you for a lovely evening. The tailcocks will help me sleep soundly.Hope the sun shines for you all tomorrow.
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WOn't you wait for the raffle to be drawn, giveup ?

We'll be drawing it soon.

Get your tickets now. Last chance for raffle tickets..
Oh is it night cap time already?? we have not had the rofl yet.

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