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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 15th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all .

It has been drawn to the attention of the Committee that a large number of coats have been placed in the Lost Property cupboard.
As the cupboard is now full to bursting, members are asked to retrieve them at their earliest convenience. Alternatively, perhaps the butler could find an alternative hidey-hole.

All contributions for the raffle will be gratefully received.

The Committee have also asked for it to be pointed out that the raffle draw is conducted under conditions of scrupulous fairness. Anyone who wins, wins fair and square.


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Everyone got their tickets ?
Have I won!!!have I won!!!!
Question Author
Calm down dear, we haven't drawn it yet ...
A bowl, a bucket, a dish and a ladle, a bowl, mother, a bowl!
Where on earth did that come from?
Hardware store??
Just taking the Butler his mid match burgers and drinkies, I do look after him.
Question Author
You've had a difficult day, Daisy. Have a little lie down.

I am now going to draw tonight's raffle.

Drum roll......

And tonight's winning tickets are number:

Got Buff
No, set to music.
Question Author
And the colours are:


Hurrah ! I've won the lip balm and the photo of whoever it was !
My lucky day!
No-one seems to have buff you will have to draw again(fingers Crossed)
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Too bad, giveup. Better luck next week.
Looks like the Butler has 55 - left his tickets with me for safe keeping.
I forgot to buy one. Is it too late now?
Goodnight all
Question Author
Sorry nungate, too late.

The Butler won ? Are you sure, Matron ? Are you sure it wasn't your ticket mixed up with his ?
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Good night giveup. See you next week.
Oh well another time perhaps.....................Planning a trip haggis trekking in the Dordogne I may miss another couple of weeks ...... if I don't go I shall turn up soon, may I indulge in a last green griffin for the road?
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Enjoy your haggis trekking nungate...remember to shorten one leg for the hills...

I'm off to bed now too. Thanks for all the laughs and see you all again next week, if we're spared.
Goodnight early birders - Happy hunting and sleep well.

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Mad over fifties CLub

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