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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 15th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
129 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all .

It has been drawn to the attention of the Committee that a large number of coats have been placed in the Lost Property cupboard.
As the cupboard is now full to bursting, members are asked to retrieve them at their earliest convenience. Alternatively, perhaps the butler could find an alternative hidey-hole.

All contributions for the raffle will be gratefully received.

The Committee have also asked for it to be pointed out that the raffle draw is conducted under conditions of scrupulous fairness. Anyone who wins, wins fair and square.


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Rest assured, Miss Daisy, the gaberdine mac - ahem - has remained quite untouched.

Your extra-large tailcock, Miss...
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Sorry to hear of your hiraeth, Daisy...even if I'm not sure what it is. Can you get some ointment for it ? ghastly were they....
Thankyou so much your felineship, (slurp) That was most welcome. Now it is getting cooler in the evening the hood on the mac is much appreciated when on the broom. Does impair one's peripheral vision though. Does the crocodile now have a mate? Or have you started using the moat for more rubbish?
Miss Daisy, I can assure you that the crocodile enjoys the rubbish.

Tailcocks, tailcocks! Get 'em while they're free, they're lovely!
I may have one - just peeled 3 pounds of onions to go with the venison burgers for match time.
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The moat boy, who is absent tonight (with leave) is usually pretty good about the rubbish. Only allows in crocodile-edible rubbish.

Another Green Griffin, please, LIK.
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Do have a tissue and some vaseline,'s time we got you some help in the scullery. Petals ? do you think she might agree ?
As long as she is more reliable than the last trollop, caught her drinking the cider vinegar
No ointment available for hiraeth (longing). A cuddle helps. As does alcohol.
Your thirst is mine to quench, Miss Daisy - allow me to refill your flagon with Griffin...

M'lady & Matron also required topping-up, I believe?..
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Please do, Maj. And I think Daisy needs a good bucket tonight after her sad day.
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Has ttfn been rusticated again ?
She must have to work overtime with the WD40 when she gets home.
I do apologise for not stating that earlier Milady, yes rustication (or tagging as I call it) is the norm for weekends now
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Poor dear....does she have a long sentence ?
Good evening everybody.Apologies milady for my non attendance last week. Husband came home after 2 months at sea.I can offer for tonight's riffle some duty free vodka, some Chinese cigarettes (very dry) and a bag of English grapes (the size of blackcurrants)(quite sharp) An extra large tailcock would be greatly appreciated and perhaps a few dainty nibbles. Am I too late to purchase tickets for the riffle. I hope the butler will look after my coat its newly purchased from miladys gift shop which seems to specialise in old coats and other odd items.
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Welcome, giveup. I hope you both had a happy homecoming.

Raffle tickets are still on sale in the usual places and from the usual sources.
Good evening, Miss giveup. I can assure you that I am giving all coats special attention tonight, as I have a brand-new hiding place for them & wish to keep it tidy.

Your usual extra-large flagon of tailcock, Miss...
Quench away your felineship. If I may be personal, what sort of a Lion are you? Passant or Rampant? Or maybe one of those English ones who are actually Leopards? At least you never take your coat off!
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He has always looked Couchant to me....
What a refreshing tailcock,nibbles quite pleasant.I fancy a paddle in the moat later(after a boogie or two)so refreshing for the feet.But first another tailcock and a venison burger with extra onions please.

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Mad over fifties CLub

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