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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 12th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
220 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Welcome once again to the hallowed portals of our club.

Tailcocks and nibbles will doubtless be available soon, but whether the butler will appear to deal with the wraps is in the lap of the Gods.

So far tonight's raffle prizes include:

Half a bottle of Emva Cream Sherry
Two pairs of bedsocks, one pair green and blue, the other blue and green
A hot water bottle cover in the shape of a pink pig


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We're all watching you , don't want to join the butcher-ess, now do you ?
Are we sure the croc is still a veggie? My llama is out there playing mah jong with thim and I'd hate to think what might happen if the croc lost....I'd have to walk home....takes an age to house train a llama. Pass the viking please I need danish courage..........
Don't worry Nungate just popped out to check , they seem firm friends to me.
There we are Miss, one flagon of Matron's finest.

I must say, I was unaware of the croc having turned, as it were...
Ah well, Matron knows best
Gosh a wool coat, a handbag and a pair of shoes out there.....
Surprised she who should not be spoken of has not tried to nab the menagerie.
Thank you, thank you thank you - these tacketty boots aren't really made for walking. I don't mind having another of those vikings - just to steady the old nerves you know -
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Last time we checked he was veggie....maybe we should throw some meat in and see.
M'lady - might I suggest the offal from the rofl?
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SHe wouldn't try to eat Alfie?
That's practically cannibalism.
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Excellent wheeze, LIK. Toss in the offal and await developments.
Nooooooooooooooooo, Alfie, Alfie - come to Mummy!!!
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I can't see him anywhere.

Can we all stop what we're doing and have an Alfie hunt , please ?
Certainly, m'lady...
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Here, Alfie, here boy!
Phew - got him , he was in the warming drawer. Now safely back in the portmanteau.
Well the offal lasted all of 10 seconds. I saw no llamas.

There is a squeaking coming from the branches of the blighted oak - is that of interest, Matron?
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Well, that is a relief, Mamya...perhaps you could get a little collar and lead for him ....

oops...sounds like the llama's a goner then....
I think that is the set of windchimes that have rusted during the rain , WD40 may help.

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