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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 02nd Jun 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
239 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all to our Jubilee Weekend Club .

As I am sure you will all have noticed, we have got the bunting out and the hall is totally jubilantly decked. The red white and blue theme has been continued with jubilation throughout the building and even the stables have been repainted puce (which is the colour we got when we mixed the red white and blue paints).
Members who wish to identify themselves as jubilarians may do so by signing the Big Book on the sideboard in the lower lesser grand ballroom.

Tonight's jubilar raffle so far has for prizes:

1 silver jubilee mug (slightly cracked)
1 golden jubilee tea towel (slightly washed out)
14 Union Jack flags (all full size)
6 red buttons
7 white gloves (some pairs)
8 blue berets (the hats, not the men)


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May I be so bold as to suggest that Tenrec has the choice of a reward from the waffle prizes before the riffle takes place in recognition of her valiant efforts tonight. I have been so happy under here with the barrel and the Fondant Fancy.
Is SD hiding after being exposed as the 1953 Fondant Fancy One?
You may not receive an financial reward Ten, but you have our deepest gratitude for all your sterling work as butleress..............
Daisy - have you got hollow legs? This must be the third time I have had to come upstairs with another flagon.
that thread is over on 50 Shades of Grey, Daisy......
troo - hic.

Now do you have the key to the vintage vino cellar......
gness that would be a lovely gesture. The red buttons would be my choice. I do a lot of sewing and am always hunting for buttons.
nungate, I hope you have enjoyed your evening. Just let me know when you need your coat.
Hi Nun. Never better but I have been trusted with a huge responsibility this week A lodger! Grandaughter's hamster. Sadly lacking in conversation, wants to party all night and expects food and drink yo be supplied.
vintage vino cellar? I was not told about that. Chateau Equieme? My grandad used to say that was a good one.
the jubbulleee tailcocks are getting to gness; Lady A would go banananies.
Tenrec you have done a sterling job this evening, and please if you take first choice of the wiffle prizes pass on taking the scissor blade. I am going to win it .
Daisy, is that your hamster in the cloakroom?
flump - worry ye not. I only have eyes for those red buttons. The scizzors - I have lots.
Sorry ten, just thirsty.
DT, no idea to what you are referring. Please enlighten me. Grey?
gold plates will do for me. The White Tower won't miss those.
Can't believe I've got to 61 and can't bl00dy spell scissors!
A hamster Daisy? I'll keep Henry by me then this week, not sure how he'd feel about a hamster, he has discovered daughter's goldfish recently and is always up on the furniture eyeing up this tasty morsel, thankfully the tank is relatively out of his reach
there was a thread earlier titled that, Daisy, 50 shades of grey - covering some form of semi-porn writing that is extremely[i or [i] incredibly] popular with female readers in the USA. I asked about one I have been recommended by a female friend in the States (not here on AB) but no one seems to have read by one Clare Penne that is supposed to be excellent writing at least.......
sorry my punctuation is deteriorating!
Fifty shades of grey DT? Mummy porn? I'm in shock!

Daisy, apparently a lot of women have been downloading that book onto their kindles so nobody can tell what they are reading.
DT. One of us is slightly inber....inreb....inebre....under the weather.

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