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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 19:08 Sat 20th Apr 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
234 Answers
Igor is waiting at the doors of Nungate Towers to welcome all of AB's Mad over fifties.
Tonight's Tailcock is on ice the "Aguafresca", a tantalising brew from the depths of sunny Spain, which should go well with tonight's hot plate special a lovely paella, cooked in the true Valencia way, ouside over a fire. To complement the paella, we have a wide selection of Tapas, an introduction of new taste sensations for our regular guests. (the usual selction of volly vont and canopies will also be available) Continuing the Spanish theme, on the pudding trolley we have Crema Catalana (a Spanish version of creme caramel) The Tapster has also joined with our Spanish theme and has a stock of Estrella Damm beers, Asturian cider, and an interesting selection of sherries. (fino, amontillado, manzanilla etc., no Bristol cream here tonight!)
For your entertainment, tonight in the ballroom, we have the Freda Fernandes
Flamenco Dance and Fluff Wrangling troupe, so break out your castanets and get ready to give it some laldy!
In the minstrels gallery our gallant troupe of minstrels are busy warming up their usual selection of madrigals and toccatas as well as preparing to give us their wonderful renditions of Bing Crosby's Greatest Hits (we have asked them not to play White Chrismas this evening)
So, the hot tub is bubbling away in the North Tower, the mini bar has been replenished (yet again) many thanks Igor. The bungee is ready to go, and has been relocated over the cliff on the sea side of the west Tower, as the moat has been filled with piranhas. So do try to stay out of it - security measures have had to be increased in light of recent events........
The pins have been set in the bowling alley, tiddlywinks and snakes and ladders all set to go in the games room, a cosy fire has been lit in the snug, for those in need of a quiet moment. We will be holding a rofl later in the evening, and we may yet stage the unveiling ceremony of the plaque outside Mammar's chocolate cupboard.
A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals

carriages at midnight


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hi - nuestra sociedad loca
Ready for Monday Tony?
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Them's fightin' words Tony!

We can do it if we put our minds to it....(and put out a strong side, which might be difficult since half our back four is laid up!)
Well, heres another beautiful mad person come to join us, good evening society.
Good luck to them the nungate, I think that they may well need it.

Yes Daisy I am, you know that if Tottenham lose tomorrow and Man utd beat us then Man U are then the Prem League champs !.
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Society, I hope you speak Spanish
That's better..this sparkly not so scratchy ....Brenda ...over here..bring another bucket for me ..slurp...Well go see what's happening down at the moat....or go for a wee bubbly dodah.....there's some folk leaping around over there....snapping fingers....that new waiting staff for Igor ?? Slurp..ta Brenda...what did you do with tone..was here a bit ago....if he's sloped off again..that she here ? I'll give you the nod Brenda ..she can go feed the fish in the moat ! She will BE the fishfood...bring some grub too...feeling peckish...

This water thingimabob....really nice ...slurp....
Not the least bit interested in Man U.
Bournemouth currently league leaders. Much more important.
Madame, I think we'de best deploy the nets over the moat, I have a sneaking feeling someone might be about to either dive in or shove someone in.....

why do we let these people in here
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Might be a good idea, I get Chubb and Plant onto it, thank you Igor...
EEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek -Hello everybody :)
Smiles at tony through gritted teeth
Have no intention of know what.

Do you think Minty should be drinking tailcocs by the bucketful?
Where are your furry dice tony?
Three old football fans are in a church, praying for their teams.

The first one asks, “Oh Lord when will Tottenham stop buying the refs?”

God Replies, “In the next five years.”

“But I’ll be dead by then,” says the man.

The second one asks, “Oh Lord, when will Manchester United stop buying the refs?”

The Good Lord – answers, “In the next ten years.”

“But I’ll be dead by then,” says the man.

The third one asks, “Oh Lord when will Villa stop buying the refs?”.

God answers, “I’ll be dead by then!”
at least I don't have to do it

I shall pass around with more drinks and nibbles Madame....
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That would be a good idea Igor.

DT Ouch!
Try the goal nets Igor. Any netting around the garden? (soft fruit) Tennis net? Wire netting around the court?
A kid goes into a soccer store and asks the owner:

“I would like to buy an official FC Barcelona jersey. Do you have any?”

And the store owner replies:

“Which one? The team jersey or the referee’s jersey?”
Oi DT, cheeky git lol.
Igor plan 'B' I think, and she's got her mate with her !.
Good luck to Bournemouth Daisy.
( me furry dice are in my trousers ILS ! ).
Oh Madame Daisy, we have special automatic ones that descend over the moat, but the one by the wicket gate tends to get stuck and you have to climb up to release it..... I'm glad I don't have to do it, my chains would get all in a fankle

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