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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:02 Sat 29th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
306 Answers
The Club is now open.

Due to technical difficulties there will be NO RAFFLE tonight.
Members bringing a prize are asked to hold on to it.

The Committee would like to ask for donations to help meet the cost of animal feed. Any amount, no matter how large would be most welcome.


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I think I like it here it has a warm comfort ball feeling of being the only man surrounded by loads of luvley jubblie laidies.

Can I stay for a while?
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Breaking the rules

It will be odd numbers next then where will I be ?

I think I need something stronger than sal volatile , Matron.

breaking the rules
breaking the lures
luring the breaks
ruling the brakes
booing the rails
lordalex, lordalex, bring the shotgun and the humane killer
now PRATFONNED i think a better sudo....psudy

....subo...errrrr name would be KONDROBO totally anoni ...annni,,, errr....unknown
So that's a no then mamm
Milady please give the meds time to work and please not the gun you know hes a terrible shot and he had 2 glasses of port after dinner oops too late DUCK
Oh goodness what shall we do ? Where is the gherkin

Matron come quickly lordalex is likely to shoot us all - he thinks hes on safari - I just heard someone shout "By Jove there's an elephant "

Ellie Ellie ....
Of course you can stay as long a s you abide the rules as you can see the mess it causes
are we having duck and chips, thats different
No way pedro I wanna break some rules
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The natives are restless tonight, lordalex.
Give them both barrels.
That should settle their hash.
Did I tell you that they were going to break the Rules ?
Wilfully ?
Oh and KONDROBO heres you hard hat and please don`t litter the carpet with dropped stars tho i might get some autographs eh??
its allright Cath Ellie is by the front door not the jove(wherever that is)
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Get pedro out of here.
He's the rule breaker.
I bet he's from the Home for the Bewildered.
I'm back. I'm sorry the chippy was closed for fumigation so I had to get kebabs instead. I have doners and shish and some hum... hum... oh a dippy thing as well.
pedro, pedro who let the spaniards in?
duck and chips - yum

m'lady not all us natives are breaking the rules - tis abit harsh both barrells

NOBBO look what you been and goon and dun now we is being shot at
Milady please take the gun from him you don`t want him in the institution again and we`ve only just got his tag off too
Did someone say BONO was in hes a pretentious so and so he can get his own kebab
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has the mexican gone ?
I'm not putting the gun away until I'm sure that the mexican has gone.
Jan Im glad you are back rules are being broken all over, LadyAlex is having a fit of the vapours and I will have a kebab please

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Mad over fifties club

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