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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:02 Sat 29th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
306 Answers
The Club is now open.

Due to technical difficulties there will be NO RAFFLE tonight.
Members bringing a prize are asked to hold on to it.

The Committee would like to ask for donations to help meet the cost of animal feed. Any amount, no matter how large would be most welcome.


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me to chippy with me stick and alfie? wheres Liverpoofoo with his big bike when you needs him?

Make a lishht me memories shot
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Jan..can I have some chips and a large gherkin please ?

endopraton ?
is that a kind of dinosaur ?
When the son-and-heir was little he was always doing projects on dinosaurs and they always seemed to have names like that...
judging by some of the comments tonight I have not had enough to drink yet can I have some of that pernod with my chips, or anything alcoholic. Has nurse got any of that surgical spirit?
Oh bugga fartpod is seeing stars now
You missed out me other e there ladyx
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Night Night Miss Meg
We'll miss you , Miss Meg
In fact we'll Miss Meg!
Have a good time when you're away for your own good.
oh matrons got spirit you better believe it
Sorrl I mean ladyx for some reason the e dont come up on here as in enotrapfodne but it is there
Meg missing shall i dial now???
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I think you will find that you mis-spelled your name, endofprat.
I rarely , if ever, get anything wrong.
Just ask Mamyalynne or any of my other ancient retainers.
DONE AFTPARE would you like anyhting fromt chippy
ladyalex, my sister is coming over from the antipodes in a couple of weeks time can I bring a guest to the club? her kangaroo can stay in the garden if thats okay with you although it is house-trained
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No need, mamya, Miss Meg has just gone to bed.
You will have to dial next week when she will be missing.
That OK ?
endofprat, Ladyalex is always right even when she is wrong so there
Prudentia I just had a health mot and I have a certifffy a csert thing a bit of paper that read they'd never seen a case like me.....

Miss meg don't go near the home for the bewildered - don't forget -

just dial the chief constable is taking his time
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alexanderd, your sister would be most welcome.
I must say I have always felt quite sorry for antipodeans, walking around upside down as they have to .
Is your sister steady on her head ?
I have a sister in the land of Oz also...I wonder if they have run into each other. When she visits she brings her's easier to get on the plane.
Well I guess I should just have to mosey along and join another gay club as nobody seems to want knobby here
Sob, sob
love you to bits cath, you will be ok, but don't eat bananas or drink strong tea, love Prudentia xxxx
oh dear TRAP ONE END OF have we hurt your feelings surely you aren`t feeling ousted thats just the air freshener

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