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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:02 Sat 29th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
306 Answers
The Club is now open.

Due to technical difficulties there will be NO RAFFLE tonight.
Members bringing a prize are asked to hold on to it.

The Committee would like to ask for donations to help meet the cost of animal feed. Any amount, no matter how large would be most welcome.


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Thankyou milady for the compliment i went to the Tom Cruise school of cocktailery
Not sure, I will have another one and check. If I'm not back in 5 minutes you know what to do.
Or do i mean the Tom Collins school.....such a long time ago now
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That's just plain creepy, pericat.
wheres the phone just in case meg gets her bush rustled????????????
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Let's just leave it at Tom's school....whichever it was , you are magnificent in cocktails.

Do you throw your shakers over your head ?
No Alfie didn`t like the videos hes hiding under my bustle
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Bush rustling ?
We'll have none of that here.
There's bound to be a rule against it.
Keep that phone handy Mamya.
We may need help.
No but its amazing what i can do with my maracas
Finger poised over the 9 milady
lets get back to the raffle, I with great reluctance will put up my beloved red thermal thong!

I regret to report that I didn't get my bush rustled but there is definately something amiss out there. I heard a strange kind of wailing. No, it's not the cocktails, I've only had 6.
Lovely cats pericat. I wish I could get my pussy to do tricks.
misssmeg a wailing? was it in french

jan can your pussy not do tricks then?
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Amazing maracas and tricksy pussies, and wailing and rustling in the bushes......who needs TV...
so i don`t need to dial

9 9 9 ???
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Oh no!
It's either that Frenchman or those thugs from the Home for the Bewildered again.
Prepare to repel borders.

Prudentia, dear, theres no raffle tonight. Keep hold of your thing and bring it again next week.
That wailing was just me as I am a part time banshee
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Don't dial until we can see the whites of their eyes.....
What did the Chief Constable say???????

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Mad over fifties club

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