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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 21:02 Sat 29th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
306 Answers
The Club is now open.

Due to technical difficulties there will be NO RAFFLE tonight.
Members bringing a prize are asked to hold on to it.

The Committee would like to ask for donations to help meet the cost of animal feed. Any amount, no matter how large would be most welcome.


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I need help.....
absinthe now.....
I can feel it working....
my heart is growing fonder as the absinthe goes down.
Oooh I can see a green fairy dancing on my toe
OOH alex i will have a loveheart what does mine say can you read it for me please??
mamy doesnt absynthe make the heart beat faster or something?
of course i will mark you absinthe in the regishhhhhhterrrrr
I cant see my e on the end of my name on my puter I take it that you can mamy
anyone for a jack daniels donut begger the chipppsss
when was the beginning ?

I need some cocktails and some cocktails and Ellie and Humphrey aren't happy as someone has tied their tails together and they keep bumping into each other and they won't keep still ...I can't untie them
mamy, it says "Missing you already" have you gone or is it my eyes?
alex not gone yet how sweet

ENOS keep taking the tablets or have a drinky
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I'll have a Bell's sponge, please.

That fairy seems to have gone now.

Who is endofparton ?
We must be told.
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I haven't had Enos for years and years.....don't have any probs in that department , I'm glad to say...
he is green - he may be from another planet

endofparton? Dolly is not dead is she?
Ok I'm off to the chippy. Who wants something to eat? I will take Alfie for an walk if you want mamya. He was very well behaved in the chip shop last time.
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Mamya...there's an alien in the Club.
Quick, get the phone before they multiply.
Bells sponge coming up would you like a cointreau cream with that milady??

Dunno who ENDOPRAT is sorry wasn`t on the door tonight
cath, love you to bits, time for a health mot, love Prudentia
she may not have tightened her bra straps int eh apple bobbing and that is the result.....
I just beat nokno's record of 11 stars in one thread I just got 16 stars in one thread
I must leave early tonite, won't be able to attend next week. I'm going somewhere, not sure where but they said it was for my own good. Look after Humph, Ellie and Alphie. If I'm allowed back I need to see them.

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Mad over fifties club

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