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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:58 Sat 09th Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
92 Answers
The Club is now open.

Please ensure that all huskies are kennelled round the back of the conservatory and all skis, sledges and skidoos are thoughtfully parked.

Lordalex will be holding a whisky soiree for all disgruntled curlers in the back parlour. (Follow the sobbing, moaning and occasional sighs of 'soop, soop'.)

Happy New Year to all and hope you are all managing to keep if not warm , at least tepid.


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That's marvellous, Mamya. You are a veritable font of knowledge.
I'll never mix those up again......
Will there be any entertainment? The notice board said there was a talk on 30 ways to keep cool.
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Sadly, the lecturers are snowbound.
Oh thats good miss meg, my hot flushes are getting worse, where are the tuffets kept
I`ll fetch a tuffet for you, could do with a hot flush round here
Perhaps we could build a snowman in the courtyard, then we could have our magic mushroom soup, feel active tonight.
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Can I sit next to you too, atsgran. I could do with a bit of heat too.
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Have you taken your meds, atsgran ?

By all means build a snowman, though. I'll watch.
I have stoked the AGA and poured a bottle of vodka into one of those Merrie Baker thingies. Anyone who can cook is welcome to assist me.
Any more meds are always welcome, goody what are we cooking with Vodka, I'll help
Okay, you find the bun tray, I'll keep stirring.
cooking with voddy oh nooooo that just the alcofrol off, not good at all. I have some cooking sherry somewhere we can have stewed apples and custard
Pernod buns are good I knitted some once ! Hic!
I'll have sherry and stewed apples, don't like custard, oh the fumes from the Baker thingy mmm
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I'll have some stewed apples and custard with sherry , please. I'm a traditionalist at heart.

Pernod buns, eh ?
That sounds pretty good, but you cannot beat hand knitted whisky tarts.
Stewed apples? With my bowels? I'll just drink the vodka. Maybe we should call the chippie.
Good evening all and a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR, bit late tonight my unicycle does not like this weather at all, got back from Oz earlier this week with a Koala for alfie and Humph but he took one look at the weather and jumped back on the plane
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That sounds like a plan.

I'll have my usual cornichon with a bag of chips , please.
But only if they deliver. We cannot be all going out again in this cold. Also, ther'e Mamya's crutch to consider.
ah yes the good ol standby chips`ofish et mushaw peas yummy
A Very Happy New Year Alexandred, please keep away from Mamya's crutch, she is having problems. Oz!! I'm impressed, only made the Caribbean, or was it the moat? They both look the same!!

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