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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:58 Sat 09th Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
92 Answers
The Club is now open.

Please ensure that all huskies are kennelled round the back of the conservatory and all skis, sledges and skidoos are thoughtfully parked.

Lordalex will be holding a whisky soiree for all disgruntled curlers in the back parlour. (Follow the sobbing, moaning and occasional sighs of 'soop, soop'.)

Happy New Year to all and hope you are all managing to keep if not warm , at least tepid.


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Welcome back, Alexanderd.
You must be feeling it now.
welcome back alex hope you are getting used to being the right way up again, have a tipple and feel woozy again.

Alfie is fine though not too keen on the snow, prefers my portmanteau
OOHH Matron ! Just what is Alexanderd feeling ?
I have had a few jelly bean tailcocks and am quite relaxed. If anyone is knitting I will have some socks please.
Sorry to hear of your accident Mamy hope you are soon back on your feet. Presents are in the upper downstairs lobby, Ladyalex yours is in the gold wrapper as befits your status, mamyalynne in the silver, brought some lovely Oz wine as well so that can be added to the tailcocks
I do hope my present is wrapped on purple . I like purple Roses best of all.
I know it sounds like namedropping but I stopped off in Dubai on the way home and was chatting to a camel-driver, When I mentioned Humph Im sure I saw a tear in his camels eye, could be some history there but I didnt like to pry
Been sitting on my tuffet quietly knitting away, so sorry no socks, just aways but help yourselves, the pernod ones are very good even if I say it myself, oh sorry no pernod ones left
PS I got the MBE last week. Went iceskating and got the Most Bruised Extremity award. And weirdly enough I paid to go iceskating !!
Naomi I am sure there will be a purple one somewhere, there are boomerangs and didgeridoos and some wobbly boards I got off a street artist, Rolf somebody or other ,mad as a hatter, kept saying "Dya know what it is yet" I think he must be member of this club(Affilliated of course)
Have been in maze for habitual ciggie break. There are some very large foot prints in there.....
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Oh, a present, for me........blushes ......and wrapped in gold paper.....sigh......
You are spoiling us, alexanderd. We'll expect it all the time now.

I expect Alexanderd is feeling the cold, naomi....nothing else. Try to keep your mind off your extremities.
What have you knitted now, atsgran ?
Can i have a tailcock, please ?
Do you think we should start a fund to send Humphry back to Dubai ? If his family are missing him, perhaps we should. But then again , Dubai doesn't have any money any more, so maybe it would be kinder to keep him herer. What a dilemma.
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Miss don't think we've got a yeti, do you ?
Humph must stay. Is dubai in Saudi Arabia?
I brought Hump back from Egypt, he was an orphan
Atsgran, I remember it well, you tried to raffle him.
Thats right miss meg, but the club adopted him instead, and he's been happy there ever since
Its either a yeti or an abonm, abmoni, ab, big snowman!
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Oops, memory isn't what it was. Totally forgot about Humph being egyptian. He does walk a bit funny, though, and that should have reminded me.
Perhaps I need some more of the meds tonight.

Now that I have remembered, Humph must stay.
I wonder who was crying about him in Dubai, then ? Or was it some dastardly arabian plot to get alexanderd to hand him over to the camel slave trade ?
Footprints are 12" across (both ways) and there are funny droppings.

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Mad over fifties club

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