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Mad over fifties club

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ladyalex | 20:58 Sat 09th Jan 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
92 Answers
The Club is now open.

Please ensure that all huskies are kennelled round the back of the conservatory and all skis, sledges and skidoos are thoughtfully parked.

Lordalex will be holding a whisky soiree for all disgruntled curlers in the back parlour. (Follow the sobbing, moaning and occasional sighs of 'soop, soop'.)

Happy New Year to all and hope you are all managing to keep if not warm , at least tepid.


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Humphmust stay, sorry for my disappearance (family crisis all averted) he and Alfie have become quite close.

Alex what a lovely gift, a "Neighbours" commenorative ashtray

ooh I will have a knitted whatever is going and another tailcock for me too
Has anybody made the tailcocks tonight? I'll go and make some up now, is the camel slave trade still continuing, thought that all had been stopped, mind I've never been to Dubai, I do know it was stopped in Irvine
was outlawed in Lancashire too
Read about that Mamya, Wigan have ceased camel swapping
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Well, it certainly isn't allowed in Tayside, but I think they still have it in foreign parts.
When did you last see a camel on your High Street ? They've all been shipped abroad to perform hideous rites in scanty costumes in the sand.....or is that club 18-30 ?

Thank you sooo much for the boomerang, alexanderd. It will come in very handy for when lordalex wanders off again. And I see it has my name engraved on it too. shucks.
Tailcocks ready, found some volly vonts as well , form an orderly queue
certain areas of the north east still have a slave trade i believe but I think they call it working up here, can i have some more tailcocks over here please Mamy, you will notice the ashtray is signed Kylie was busy but I am sure Joe minogue is acceptable
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Vollies! Excellent!
This is smashing, tailcocks are great!!
Thats good miss meg, could't find the mixing bowl, but there was a glass bottle under Lordships bed - that was a good tailcock shaker
Yeah lets party!!! aussie style and stand on us heads (oh maybe not with bruised ribs!) we could do the conga tho!
Good grief, that's what he relieves himself in!!!
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How do you happen to have that information, Miss Meg ?
oooh thats posh a glass guzunder!!
guzunder the bed mamy, not going under but going to, have had too many tailcocks night night
My day job is fortune teller and partner is funeral director, god I find rtelif in this cuib!
who put the bruised ribs on the barbecue? I will have two of them please
Don't you dare BBq anything to do with MAmya, she is our saviour.
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A fortune teller, eh ?
And you find rtelif here ?
Who is rtelif ? We must be told.

I'll let that one go about how you knew about lordalex's gazunder, which is crystal, by the way, not glass.
first me crutch now me ribs is nothing sacred.

Have I missed the chips need something to soak up the grog and warm me up

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