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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
123 Answers
The Club is now open.

Welcome all to our weekly meeting. I am so glad to be back in the fold ,so to speak, after a couple of weeks absence.
I trust all went well when I was away and that the emergency services were not unduly bothered. (Remember the warning last year.)

I am sure that tailcocks and nibbles will be arriving shortly.

Raffle prizes so far include:

a packet of pink wax earplugs (hardly used)

half a tube of polo mints

and, from lordalex, three gas masks . (He can be so thoughtful sometimes).


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I have found an unopened packet of support briefs in my portmanteau. May I put them in the raffle? I have not bought tickets yet, what number are they this week?
I think they are brown boxy
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All prizes are welcome for the raffle.

Why did you want a refund from Madame Esmeralda, miss Meg ?
ttfn it costs dear to be employed here its the feudal system

one warninks and wincarnis coming up petal
ttfn I should have had a word in your shell-like. Mamya has to grovel for her pay and she provides her own uniform (mind you, that cardy goes well with it tonight). (ppst don't tell ladyalex that I told you that, she can be very sharp of hearing when it suits her..)
I never left the system mamya. Ta for the drinks - in separate glasses - classy.
My humble apologies to petal, miss meg and sandy - I am feeling a little nervous. Hello everybody
She told me I would meet a tall dark handsome stranger, I did meet a lovely black giraffe. People outside the club say this is nonsense and refuse to accept Jeffery. Has Uncle Joe gone walkabout?
didnt think I would make it tonight, all flights cancelled, had to walk. Its the last time I shop at Iceland
I don't think anyone's shown you the Rules - we have to try to avoid calling the fire brigade and the police every week, but the rugby club were very welcome a couple of weeks ago. You also have to avoid Going Next Door, or going upstairs, and the toilets in the basement are iffy. Some of us prefer to loiter by the moat...
Evening, Meg, this must be Jeffrey, he has a beautiful sheen. Will he get on with George? - they are from different continents I think?
evening also alexander, I had not realised that I was allocated Door duty tonight.
I am slightly more confused than usual - psst boxy - how many legs does George have?
Evening Alexanderxxx boxtops, I suspect different forms of incontinence but mamya has a good supply of animal tenas.
Not those pesky loos again, will get the mop

Evening alexanderd

am just nipping out for a cig behind the orangery and to let Alfie stretch his legs
ttfn - George is a kangaroo, very large and hoppity, friend of miss meg's.
having been warmed up by the warninks,i'll be of to check on the sheep pigs are settled in.i'll leave my raffle tickets at the reception desk
miss meg, mamya, this might help.....
How lovely - I do like a wooly jumper. The evenings are still a little chilly. May I help anyone with their duties?
^oh dear - woolly. My spelling is A1. However, my typing is another matter!
A1 ? are you a trucker in your spare time?

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