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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 17th Apr 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
123 Answers
The Club is now open.

Welcome all to our weekly meeting. I am so glad to be back in the fold ,so to speak, after a couple of weeks absence.
I trust all went well when I was away and that the emergency services were not unduly bothered. (Remember the warning last year.)

I am sure that tailcocks and nibbles will be arriving shortly.

Raffle prizes so far include:

a packet of pink wax earplugs (hardly used)

half a tube of polo mints

and, from lordalex, three gas masks . (He can be so thoughtful sometimes).


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Mamya - are ellie and humph fountain goats?
Question Author
What would we do without you, Mamya. Knew you would sort things out.

Perhaps we could get them to wear the gas masks if they start singing again ? We could tell them they need to be protected from the Ash.
Alexandred, thank you so much for the unicycle, I shall go home on it myself. No good donating it to Royal Mail, they never get it right.
WHHHHEEEE off now, may be back next week with a few bumps and grazes. Nite all, thanks for the fun, nite, nite, Wendyxx
Question Author
Good night, Miss Meg. See you next week. Take care on that unibike.

I'll have Uncle Joe's bill ready for you next week.
Night Night MIss Meg be careful near the tramlines I would hate you to have an accident as I am not insured
Night meg take care alex got pulled the other week by the constabulary
Question Author
I think that that information is a bit personal, Mamya.
Constabulary duties to be done, to be done - I do enjoy a good cabbage opera.
Well I must take my leave of you all - if the ash is any thicker I don't want to be getting home very late. Thank you so much for having me, and I am sure I've been had m'lady. But the pleasure has been all mine tonight. I am leaving my raffle ticket money with boxy on the door. If I win (any of them) please just re-raffle it. I really couldn't take away a prize on my first night. Good night all and ttfn
Night ttfn please drop by any time (We need the money)
Question Author
Good night ttfn. Looking forward to seeing you again next week.
Look out for the Ash.....
Night ttfn you are always welcome
i believe it is held up at Monmouth now m'lady. Goodnight
Please may I join, I am affiliated so to
Bobbisox you have been here before and paid your dues havent you?
Question Author
You are most welcome, Bobbisox. Are you mad and over 50 ? Actually, either will do and asking to join in on the whole qualifies you for membership.

To whom are you affiliated ?
errr No, name yer
Mamya has told me about it tho'
Question Author
Well, the time has come for me to retire.

Good night everyone and thanks for all the laughs.

See you all next week, unless the ash gets us!
ladyalex :-))
Goodnight Ladyalex sweet dreams see you next week, I think its my turn to sweep up tonight
Goodnight milady all beds are turned down

sorry for my disappearance but puter crashed (the ash the ash)

welcome bobbisox have you had a tailcock they are delish tonight
Mamy is this weird or what? I have also been unable to get on line for some reason thought I was going to get locked in and have to escape through the catflap again

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