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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 19th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now open.

At the latest Committee meeting, it was decided that, in view of the recent good weather, volunteers would be asked to do the needful.
So far the results have been quite encouraging.

The Lost Property cupboard has been turned out and the contents used for dusters, so any members having lost any items are asked to look for them in the kitchen cupboards. There is a sewing machine in the upper left-hand attic if anyone wishes to effect repairs.


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Do you mind waiting whilst we have a final ciggie of the night gran? It would be nice to have some company on the way home.
Nay will take the battery out for now tee hee

Gran I have a plentiful supply of the tenas
Don't mind at all, waft a bit of that smoke over here will you, it's ages since I had one but I still like the smell.
Soz gran - I didn't mean to rub it in your nose - if you get my waft. I am getting my worms dixed up tonight - feel very tired now. Shouldn't have taken the sleeping pills on the way up here.
will you two be okay cycling or shall I call a cab?
I found some manx pound coins earlier, he won't spot them in the dark.☺
I will be off now, welcome gran, saw your comments about stopping smoking re hip replacement, may be following that track.
Night allxx
Well if gran doesn't mind the front saddle it will probably be in her best interest (all that b e e t r o o t). Gran can probably read the road signsd better than I - must ring the optician as soon as I get home.
Take care miss meg, sweet dreams and ttfn.
Just done my rounds of the garden all seems to be in order so I will take my leave and wish you all a very good night. It was nice to see some new faces tonight I do hope we see them again and more subs ae always welcome Goodnight all and thanks for the chuckles you have made an old man very happy (or is that the other way round?)
Manx coins mamya? In the moat or in the fountain?
In uncle joes pockets haha

Night all who are off, see you next time.
Good evening to all you lovely madly sane people. xxx
I see you all have been very busy - 212 post and it's still early!

Hello my beautiful Mamya! Hope you all is well with you 'ma dear. xx
Society sweety how lovely to see you, yes am quite well all things considered, just been a bit sad elsewhere but understandable.

Woud you like a tipple.
Goodnight Miss meg oh dear I hope you are alright. I'll steer the bike tonight ttfn, the manx pounds can be put in the kitty for next time. Are you sure you can manage, do you need to go before we go, with all that b e e t r o o t.
I'll say goodnight then alexandered, and mamya thank you for the tailcocks and nibbles. I have to see to MrAsk's nighcap for him when I get home, he gets a little techy when it gets late can't seem to see to do it for himself. silly old s0d.
Hang on gran I am right behind you (literally) Hello society and goodnight. Thank you for a lovely evening mamya - don't forget to lock up now. Sweet dreams and ttfn to you all x
Night night girls you be careful on that tandem now, hope you have helmets on, tatra and see you next week.♥
Good night TTfn, Mamya and all.
And Mamya, don't forget to turn off the lights and let the dogs loose before turning in.
Wilko after I've checked no one is left in the cellar.
Doors will close in 10 minutes then its jamas and slippers fer Mamya.Night to all for this week. ♥

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