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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 19th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now open.

At the latest Committee meeting, it was decided that, in view of the recent good weather, volunteers would be asked to do the needful.
So far the results have been quite encouraging.

The Lost Property cupboard has been turned out and the contents used for dusters, so any members having lost any items are asked to look for them in the kitchen cupboards. There is a sewing machine in the upper left-hand attic if anyone wishes to effect repairs.


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I have a stick of After Bite in my bag ttfn, we will be fine. Perhaps the drains have gone again Next Door.

Anyhow everyone, I have to bid farewell so I will forego my nose clip, I am sure someone else will use it. See you next week, mind the moat on the way out. Adieu, buenos noches, sayonara...
Boxy, you did indeed bring a camel, Celline if I remember correctly.
I did admit to the mess on the ceiling.
Will have one more tailcock then me will be off.
Au Revoir
Goodnight dear boxy sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
miss meg you are a thoroughly decent sort, I salute you. Just call me magimixer! Mamya make that a large one for miss meg please - it will get her home safely to bed all the quicker
Night, night boxtopsxx
Night all, I will sort out Celine next week, she will be fine for now. Tara!
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Night night Boxtops, see you again next week I hope...
Night Boxy

large one coming up think I will join you.

Have mopped the bathroom included the ceiling!!
Thank you ttfn, another large one may not be a good idea but I will enjoy it!!
I've put one in the pump for you as well.
Well thank you for inviting me in tonight, I am sure I will return. You have al been very hospitable - time to feed the cat and go to sleep. Thanks guys. Goodnight to you all.
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Well, the time has come for me to retire also.
Good night everyone and thanks , as usual, for all the laughs.

See you all next week, if we're spared.
Goodnight greedy - wish your ankle better asap. Sweet dreams and ttfn.

Now where has gran gone - no wet patches on the floor tonight by which to detect her presence. Hope she is all right.
Good night ladyalex - I hope the male members of your family bear no ill effects tomorrow. Thank you for your hospitalisation tonight. Sweet dreams to you too and ttfn
Night GF and sweet dreams.

Milady have a good sleep the beds are all turned down and fresh cotton sheets are on. Till the morrow.
Nite nite greedyfly, nice to meet you, please join us againxx
ttfn fancy a top up? we can have a ciggie if we leave the window open a bit.
Can I have a top up and a ciggie?
Has everyone gone? Ive just been looking for the spare tena pants, but I think I'd better take my leave of all those who have left. Ttfn are you still around? I could perhaps help you out on the tandem tonight we could call in at the ABers Arms for a quick one before they close the doors.
That sounds like an excellent idea - if we all 3 light up together will it set off the smokey thingy in the ceiling?

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