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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 19th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now open.

At the latest Committee meeting, it was decided that, in view of the recent good weather, volunteers would be asked to do the needful.
So far the results have been quite encouraging.

The Lost Property cupboard has been turned out and the contents used for dusters, so any members having lost any items are asked to look for them in the kitchen cupboards. There is a sewing machine in the upper left-hand attic if anyone wishes to effect repairs.


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Ok, ah I see Lady Eyre has gone, was nice of her to pop by. Hassop Hall is so lovely must be a pleasure to live there, almost as nice as ... well where we are.

some crispy prawns with mayo dip now!
It seems to have settled down at last,anyone for chish and fips tonight or are we all too full of haggis?
Well I think they are prawns I netted them out of the moat.
mamya they could be crocodile toenail clippings?
No substance = too much of the red-coloured salad items but please don't tell ladyalex I said so.

O.K. charades it is then. who will start us off -alexanderd seems pretty well on the ball tonight.......................
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I think I'll stick to Mamya's nibles tonight, alexanderd, but thanks for the offer. You are thoughtful and worth every penny that you pay me.
if they came out of the moat I am not going near them after what has been happening over there tonight. I will stick to the Haggis and beetroot thankyou very much
Sensible chap is our alexandered
Hello people
Yes will give then to the menagerie, but not Alfie he has a delicate stomach, don't want a mess in my portmanteau.
Hello greedy - what attracted yo9u to join us - hope you used the drawbridge and did not swim the moat, or you will have to go through the sheep dip.
Hello Greedyfly and welcome, are you allowed to drink on your meds or would you like a soft drink.
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Hello and welcome, greedyfly.

WOuld you care for a nibble or one of Mamya's delicious tailcocks ?
I can't swim unfortunately. I was attracted because I always see the club in the latest posts bit and wondered what exactly this club is. Mama invited me to see.
Hi Greedy, milady will check that you are mad, over fifty or just visiting, you don't have to be all three. Food and drink abounds tonight, but be choosy...
Back now, must have been the smell of the beetroot.
Mop and bucket might be needed mamya
(and maybe a cloth for the ceiling).
I told Greedyfly to pop in ttfn as she is currently housebound and feeling a bit at a loose end, well her ankle is anyway. Do pull up a tuffet and have a chat.
I am indeed mad, I am not over 50 and I cannot drink alcohol at the moment so I will just take a coke for now.
Did you see George, miss meg, I hope he didn't step in the beetroot.
Mamya is very sociable like that - his ludship, uncle joe and alfie like her for the same reason

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