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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 19th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now open.

At the latest Committee meeting, it was decided that, in view of the recent good weather, volunteers would be asked to do the needful.
So far the results have been quite encouraging.

The Lost Property cupboard has been turned out and the contents used for dusters, so any members having lost any items are asked to look for them in the kitchen cupboards. There is a sewing machine in the upper left-hand attic if anyone wishes to effect repairs.


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Suezy tailcocks are also like papersnews or pathsflight - gosh I am in ahelpful mood tonight! miss meg - I don't think you should have said that - fancy a quick ciggie break?
I will enter it in my diary in moments, before my nightcap lest I forget. Goodnight all may your god bless you all, off now to my tester bed. xxx
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You cannot go for a ciggie break now ! We are in the middle of a Lordalex emergency.

Get out there and help fetch him in and get Uncle Joe away from the flagpole.
All hell is breaking loose here.
I'm becoming hysterical again.
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Night night LadyEyre....before you go, for whom do you test beds ? Do you think there might be a vacancy for testers ?
Matron I have uncle joe cornered can you bring his medicine and we will get him back in the cellar
Alexandered I wouldn't have believed that you are over age, but then you have covered up lately haven't you. It's just all those moat duties and flagpole turns that you do makes me think you are younger.

I would like a baby beetroot too, are the pikes freshly caught? I can recommend the Lidl legs (that is frogs legs in a tin) are nice on toast,
Goodnight Lady Eyre - psst how come L E ^ has capitals whilst her ladyship is lower case? I am still having a ciggie ladyalex but I will wander over to the flagpole with a first aid kit if you like?
Milady I have just come in from peering in the moat, and George has got Uncle Joe cornered up the flagpole. Every time UJ tries to come down, George is boxing his backside. What shall be done?
Right Alex has Uncle Joe, where is his lordship?
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Thank you so much alexanderd. You are such a comfort to me.
Matron seems to have disappeared for teh moment, so I will bring his medicine. I think it is the orange stuff that we sometimes give to the dogs......mind you, any port in a storm, that one will have to do.
Boxy, do you really have to pee in the moat? The loos are really not that bad.
Lady Alex, for my companion of course, 'tis she who would notice the grain of sand, let alone the pea....... night all. xxxx
Sedation administered, my good ness he put up a struggle fer an owd chap
<ssh> miss meg, if you are careful, a vuvuzela is an excellent substitute for one of those She-Wee things....
tut tut boxy
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Boxtops, I am shocked. there are perfectly good facilities inside, no need for you to use the moat.. No more tailcocks for you tonight!

Lordalex is out on the road directing the traffic again. I think we can surround him if we all go at once.
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Thank you Mamya. One down and one to go.
Isn't that called a vulvazela?
There is a wicked rumour abroad that I have defaced the moat. No such thing - should have gone to specsavers - I said PEERING in the moat... (easy mistake tho)
sorry ladyalex but in my present condition I don't think I should go down on his ludship tonight

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