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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 19th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now open.

At the latest Committee meeting, it was decided that, in view of the recent good weather, volunteers would be asked to do the needful.
So far the results have been quite encouraging.

The Lost Property cupboard has been turned out and the contents used for dusters, so any members having lost any items are asked to look for them in the kitchen cupboards. There is a sewing machine in the upper left-hand attic if anyone wishes to effect repairs.


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Cloth foe the ruddy ceiling , how did you manage that, do you do handstands mutter mutter...
He would have flattened if he had boxy - like they always say in MOTD 'you can play squash but you can't beat root'
Greedfly welome but please dont eat the coke we need it for the fire in the morning, however matron has some home-made lemonade I can recommend
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You are very welcome, Greedyfly and qualify for membership on account of madness.

Sorry to hear that you are poorly. Hope it all mends soon.
I'm sure Mamya could rustle up a non-alcoholic tailcock for you as I'm not sure we do coke here ...the police come round too frequently for us to be able ot take the chance.
The home made lemonade sounds amazing I will have one those. I will indeed leave the coke for the fire - silly me!
I brought some milkshakes too if you care for one greedy. Sorry to hear about your ankle - how is your aunty?
what's MOTD ttfm? this is MOFC!
Thank you all for the welcoming. I think the coke would send me over the edge so I will stick to the offer of the lemonade.
I rather think my relationship with Alfie is a bit more personal that with Unc Joe and his ludship (well ok Lord Alex and I do have an understanding I guess)
Welcome greedyfly, very pleased to meet you.
George is hopping about in the orchard, think he's playing leap frog with Ellie and Humph.
Off for ciggie, am not allowing myself to wear a coat in preperation for giving up in the colder weather.
Gf just to put you in the picture we have a nonraffle most weeks so if you have any items you done wish to donate they would be most welcome. The winning ticket is usually number blue if matron does the draw
Sounds good. It would seem Mr Ed should maybe give you your own Club page?
Wake up boxy - do you no read current affairs? Match of the darkness - since the home team's last piffling performance. Anyway - you had better behave yourself - mamya knows about the mess on the ceiling now.
miss meg did I leave the camel here a couple of weeks ago? celia or celeriac, or some name like that? I realise i have not seen her for a while at home!
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Our camel is called Humph .......

WHo is this Celery ?
Aw come on ttfn, how can the ceiling be me if it was me in the moat - what am I, a trapeze artiste??? I'm with you now, the game of the round ball btw.
She got the hump and was last seen at the No 42 bus stop
Well we have been afforded sticky status in the past but not this week it seems. A bit late fpr the non raffle this week now, shall gather goodies for next time and all donations are welcome.

A nice large cloudy lemonade for GF
Do you suppose that gran still has those nose clips? Not that I asm going swimming in the moat, but something is wafting its way around here and the mozzies are coming in through the casements.
Why thank you Mamy

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