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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:58 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
281 Answers
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What a delightful week we have had, climaxing in a glorious day at the local fruit and flower show where lordalex's onions failed to impress the judges yet again, but his leek was highly commended.

My own efforts in the home baking classes also got the thumbs down, but perhaps, as the judge commented, raisin and anchovy scones are something of an acquired taste.

My contributions to tonight's raffle are:

6 parsnips
3 carrots
and half a ball of gardening twine

As I am having trouble with the site tonight, I will post this slightly early.


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Q. did boxy really use the word 'fart'? tut tut tut
Hi boxy. I didn't have any of the turnipy stuff tonight as I've been on the beetroot surprises, so thought I'd better not miss my tailcocks
off we go then ttfn, I will pedal, you just hold on..... nite nite all, please can you leave the outside light on until we have negotiated the bridge over the moat? Ttfn - sit STILL will you? - sticking your feet out and bouncing renders us unstabbbebbeble....
Oh are you two off, Mamya hums ♫ Daisy Daisy♫
Shall we mix up the leftovers Lardy and call it Door Slammer or Lockin??
Oo er mamy - are we going to have to send for the police helicopter to shine its big light in the ditches?
Perks of the job Jem, as I said. Well thank you for a lovely evening again matron - back on a level playing field again next week when you-know-who-returns to the fold, may the best woman win Lol mwah mwah (moi actually) Goodnight. sweet dreams and ttfn ♥ come on boxy you can go on front of tandem - I need to take it easy nite nite all
Good grief woman will you not let it be, put in the dagger and twist it!!

Lardy forget the helicopter they will manage.
nite ttfn. Haven't you got a helmet?

Ohh slammers I think memy.
Slammers it is then

I door
2 door
3 door

OOps do help me up dear.
I got stuck in the gravel on my scooter in the drive coming and I suppose it will be the same there a nice young man to give me a push around.? I did see through the window at the back that nice footman with the scullery maid doing some task on the kitchen table (it wasn't chopping veg)
I've got to be on my way now, got to do Hs supper. I'll try to be earlier next week.
Goodnight all you ladies of the night,

(charming) ;o) ♥♥
Nite Jem. Boxy & ttfn could give you a tow with their tandem
Ni-i-i-i-i-i-tee <wobbles off....>> ♥
Theres always one isn't there anda t this hour too, will somebody please help me up??
I'll help you up if you promise this is your last vase! Promise?
Ok I promise, I will return to my usual pint pot and may need the smallest room soon too.
I'm going to sneak off upstairs while Mr Helmet's asleep down here. He's snoring like a steam traiin, so if I go up now I might get couple of hours in before he realises I've left him down here!

G'night mamy, take care.
Night night Lardy been a great night xxx
Well it appears all have wended their merry way home, so a five minute gap here for late callers or those who have left belongings and then I will lock up or her Ladyship will have.... well you know the rest, it has been a great night Thankyou ♥

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