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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:58 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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What a delightful week we have had, climaxing in a glorious day at the local fruit and flower show where lordalex's onions failed to impress the judges yet again, but his leek was highly commended.

My own efforts in the home baking classes also got the thumbs down, but perhaps, as the judge commented, raisin and anchovy scones are something of an acquired taste.

My contributions to tonight's raffle are:

6 parsnips
3 carrots
and half a ball of gardening twine

As I am having trouble with the site tonight, I will post this slightly early.


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Have a really educated guess matron - go wan, you can do it if you B & Q it
What's that funny noise? Oh it's alright - the football's come on, so Mr Helmet's snoring!
Bless him - all that traffic jam and then footie - I would have been asleep hours ago lardy ;o)
Right time for a new vat, shall call these Moonlight Mojitos, yummy
I met the Butler while I was coming up the drive (I think it was the Butler) he was standing between two Bentleys & had his kilt lifted up to hide his face, I think he was showing me his 'meat & two veg' he seemed quite proud of it. Didn't make me feel hungry though. I'd already eaten.

Has all the Saturday Surprise gone? Run out of beetroot again I suppose. Mind you, that punchbowl was never meant to supply vase size portions
Jem that was no meat and veg but the car mascots - they are not allowed to have them afixed to the bonnets now for elf n safety reasons. Was it a stud horse with a jockey on it - it is solid silver, beautifully modelled too
Shall I go out & pick you fresh batch of mojitos mamy? I grow them in my garden you know <whisper - don't tell ttfn>
talking of exhibitors pieces - pity her ladyship didn't get stickied tonight - she is so pleased when that happens, bless her. In fact she had a lousy day, nothing won in the snaffle, the fruit and flower show and no sticky. Still at least she got a hat trick of sorts I suppose
I can hear a buzzing in myear again - not like normal though - are you 2 whispering behing my net again?
What turns pink if you've been stickied ttfn (if you'll pardon my expression)?

Did I get one for the quiz you and boxy kept going one night when we got it too 300+
Not to my knowledge lardy, but what do I know anyway? ;o)
Excuse me ttfn my love that indeed was 'meat & veg' I saw, I am very experienced in these matters I'll have you I did leave my Swede & Turnip Cider on the hall table I've taken my eye off it for a sec and its GONE.
Did you add it to your collection mamya? My fish & cauliflower crunchies have walked too. (Is m'lady still lurking about?)
A good insomniac expects no reward (so is not disappointed LOL)
It all depends on the ed of the day, doubt we will get stickied now is rather late in proceedings
They were probably so delicious Jem that m'lady's half inched 'em -they're probably sitting on the credenza in her master suite as we speak
If the fish was a tad undercooked Jem then they are probably back in the moat and with no alexanderd to help out it is entirely up to you my dear. Mamya never knows where the left over alkofrol is (until she locks up) but no-one really minds - it is the only perk she gets in this position bless her ♥
I have been keeping very quiet and just watching the hilcafrolicous proceedings in here today, the turnip drinky thing does indeed make one fart lardy. Ttfn the tandem is outside, would you like me to steer you home, your hairnet looks a little awry tonight?
My dear boxy that would be so kind of you, I am feeling all of my heatina llowance age tonight - it is the upset over <ssh a-l-e-x-a-n-d-e-r-d> no need to upset matron any more than I have done already - she mixed and stirred it very well all night I thought! I would appreciate a steerage in the right direction - Jem and lardyI wish you both a good night, sweet dreams and ttfn ♥ come on boxy we can catch matron outised having a crafty drag I suspect
Jem I thought they were donations I do apolgise Hic!!

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