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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:58 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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The Club is now open.

What a delightful week we have had, climaxing in a glorious day at the local fruit and flower show where lordalex's onions failed to impress the judges yet again, but his leek was highly commended.

My own efforts in the home baking classes also got the thumbs down, but perhaps, as the judge commented, raisin and anchovy scones are something of an acquired taste.

My contributions to tonight's raffle are:

6 parsnips
3 carrots
and half a ball of gardening twine

As I am having trouble with the site tonight, I will post this slightly early.


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yep lardy - you missed the petrol station flying overhead. I am relaxing more by the pint now thanks milady. the young lady there is the previous tweenie's cousin, 2nd or 3rd removed I believe but with a strong family resemblance but no money
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Perhaps she would like the position of tweenie ?
The salary is very competitive.
Have we had the raffle yet ?
Scotch Helmets used to be my speciality a few moons ago. I found they fitted nicely and were sculptured to a high standard.
BTW I'm not wearing the kilt tonight but in the past have been guilty of prancing in one (the Hs) Ssshhh! its our secret, However the sporan irritated my nether regions, but I have found out one is supposed to wear it on the outside.
I'll be popping along later with my swede & turnip cider & to replenish the nibbles with my home made fishy + cauliflower crunchies.
See you soon.

I don't want a baby! Alex in ladies underwear, god forbid.
Please put two straws in the vase mamya, ttfn can't drink all that, I'll help her out.
Jem how generous all additions to the bill of fare most welcome

Meg you do know Humph used that vase for a piddle pot earlier, has only had a quick rinse
Well I reckon I could, quite easily, but you are very welcome meg. good to sup with a friend, no slurping mind
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Shall we have the raffle now, or have we all lost interest ?
Or blowing of raspberries.
Milady forgive lardy I suspect/hope you got in the way then ROFL
have the raffle . use the tombolla thingy though you lot may cheat since you once again are all p****ed
Yes mamya, it was me who rescued it, bit of camel's piddle never hurt anyone.
Pull in ttfn, we'll have a few swigs then I see a ciggie break in order.
OMG I've got a bendy straw, this really is a treat!!
not quite just yet anne, but it is the general aim at the mofc - we don't come for the weekly snaffle draw for sure, do we miss meg? ;o);o)
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We do not cheat at the raffle here, anne.
I don't know how you could have thought that.

If everyone has their tickets, I'll draw it shortly.
Why are ttfn and lardhelmet blowing raspberries. Is it a competition...or a cover-up ?
Anne if people did not get inebro... inebera,,,,, tiddly pom, then my job will have been in vain
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Ok here's the raffle.
Tonight's winning number is:

Certainly not ttfn, I refuse to attend the AGM.
Thhink we need a top up.
Better than carting (coughing when also...), snarting (sneezing when also...), larting (laughing when also), you get the picture
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and the winning colours are:

and 67

Boo! There must be some mistake. I haven't won anything tonight.
Boo! hiss ! fix!
woohoo (it rhymes and that is all I shall be getting):o(
Yippeee, I have blue!! tytyty

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