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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:58 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
281 Answers
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What a delightful week we have had, climaxing in a glorious day at the local fruit and flower show where lordalex's onions failed to impress the judges yet again, but his leek was highly commended.

My own efforts in the home baking classes also got the thumbs down, but perhaps, as the judge commented, raisin and anchovy scones are something of an acquired taste.

My contributions to tonight's raffle are:

6 parsnips
3 carrots
and half a ball of gardening twine

As I am having trouble with the site tonight, I will post this slightly early.


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Nor I milady, I have every colour of the speculum bar blue
I've got 49 (matches my age) - bagsie the gardening twine please please please!
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Please don't speak of speculums (specula ?) , Ena.
Brings me out in hives.
bee nuisance milady. Lardy - do you need to augment your trusses weight support?
I have a winner may I had my vanishing cream back, I fear it may be useful quite soon
Ah but they're made of nearly warm plastic now m'lady - one doesn't like the cold steel up'em
's peculiar I didn't win again - I have never one a thing milady, but do you hear me cry 'Fix'? - no you don't! <I whisper>
No vanishing cream for mamya, we want her here!!
Is lardy eligible for membership?? Sorry to be picky but I struggled to get in here.
Wasd it worth the effort? I've never looked back!!
Did you not win Alexanderd's fair heart ttfn <swoon>
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Any chance of a share of your vanishing cream , Mamya ?

Ena....if you don't buy any tickets, you cannot expect to win.

Plastic, steel, cannot be doing with them, lardy.
not only are th speculum now plastic but are disposable, wonder who washed the old steel ones ?
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Now there was a plum job.......
Boiled em Anne like I do with his Ludships socks
Or a cherry job
It is hardly my fault if no-one took the money I held out in my little hand - is it now
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please stop this......I'm coming over all of a doo-dah.
pardon lardy? Say again please
well of course I did lardy - a few weeks ago - we dance beautifully together, so long as he is wearing the kilt and those highly polished patent shoes. What have I said, pardon me. I may forgive him his little indiscretion as I have enjoyed matrons' excellent wine waitering effort tonight. She has shaken a fair storm up in her little silver receptacle. And as you all know by now, I am a very forgiving sort of person. (spits)
I'm flying off, that vase was a bit too much for me (do think ttfn had the most) but I'm not complaining.Broomstick on turbo, stand back or you may get singed. Nite!!
ttfn - listen, I shall say this only once (what do they call it when ladies lose their "girlhood" )euphemism

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