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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
234 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Thankfully, things are back to normal chez alex as far as t'internet is concerned and I am delighted to once again welcome members to the Club

Please make yourselves comfortable and I'm sure Matron will be along very soon with the usual delicious array of drinks and nibbles. (I have put in a special request for mini toffee apples this week, being so close to bonfire night.)

Talking of toffee apples, there is a bucket of dentures in the lower , smaller bathroom. All members are asked to check in case they have left theirs here on a previous visit. No double dipping, one fitting only.


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Ooooops milady - didn't see you there. Can't be bothered to thudddddddd again just yet though. Well I dont want to take the bowl home with me again - it is not super after all! Otherwise dr b may have hung around for the draw. Boxy - sardines on toast and hold the red sauce - gold will do nicely.
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Tonight's raffle prizes are numbers:

Can't stay, I must be off. If a win a raffle prize, keep it until I pop in next week. If it happens to be the Black Magic, share it among yourselves. Byeeeee!
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Bye DSJ.

And the numbers are:



Whoopee, I won again.
Bye DSJ - have a good weekend :o)
Try rubbing a bit of fairy liquid round your nose and chin.
surprise, surprise!!!!!
am i allowed to join,then - fellow mofc members. i'm only 34; but definately mad...i have taken my tablets this evening (i promise!) x
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I have won the Black Magic and..oh look , Gran's tiara seems to have been donated as a raffle prize and I have won that too.

Some nights your luck is just in.
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hello lcg
Of course you may join in.
Sadly, you have missed the raffle, but there's always next week.
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Get up Ena.
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This fainting is just attention seeking.
Thuuuddd, the heirloom, the heirloom.
welcome icg 76 if you have any spare tablets you might pass them round there are a few here who need them. Oh no I won catherines wheels now I suppose I will have to put them back on her bike
that's ok m'lady....i did have some raffle bits, but i shall save them for next week and bring a bumper crop of prizes. i did, however, manage to sneak a rather lovely bottle of brandy through security on the front gate...x
No problem milady I fainted that faint in mock surprise anyway. How about bobbin those apples next ?
Ena do you need mouth to mouth, I will take my teeth out
oh it was a faint faint was it?
alexanderd....i have a ruddy pharmacy squirrelled away around various portions of my house. not that i'm offering to be anyone's dealer - i may have some 'medicinal' substances that could be shared around...x

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Mad over fifties CLub

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