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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
234 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Thankfully, things are back to normal chez alex as far as t'internet is concerned and I am delighted to once again welcome members to the Club

Please make yourselves comfortable and I'm sure Matron will be along very soon with the usual delicious array of drinks and nibbles. (I have put in a special request for mini toffee apples this week, being so close to bonfire night.)

Talking of toffee apples, there is a bucket of dentures in the lower , smaller bathroom. All members are asked to check in case they have left theirs here on a previous visit. No double dipping, one fitting only.


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What a great idea, Ena.

Gat the tin bath and get it filled up.

lcg...Mamyalynne will be delighted to help you out with the brandy.
Stonekicker!!! How are you??? How old is the brandy??? ;o) Come and sit next to me.
gran - don't panic - twas mainly silver paper anyway xx
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Stonekicker ?????

Alexanderd, if you wish to engage in any kind of artificial shenanigans with Ena, please move to another room. Especially if you are both taking your teeth out......
And if you are taking your teethout, for goodness sake keep hold of them. We have enough lost teeth here for a pride of lions.
well, it is a rather large bottle...i think you may also require something else to help with that fainting business. maybe a large snifter will help (i never arrive at a party empty handed or prepared...i was a girl scout before they expelled me!) x
Did someone mention Brandy hic!!

Ooh I have won the fish bowl, get it off your head dear
For goodness sake Alex - put them in your pocket, you don't want them to get mixed up with the bucketful of her milady's ;o)
Has anyone else counted tonight? - what happened to the excess prizes? - wotsherface drew too few tickets to have done a clean sweep
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COngratulations, Mamya...isn't it nice when we win something in the raffle for a change ?
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I'm resembling you again, Ena...
sk - you are my kind of girl - I always arrive here with a few medicinal tinctures already down my neck lol. Anyway - matron is more of an embrocation sort of drinker I suspect. Meds trolley indeed - have drinks trolley will travel more like. She is going to use that goldfish bowl as her schooner - schooner her than me! I prefer a large balloon.
icg, welcome you have brandy, so nice to meet you.
I was expelled from the guides, think that involved brandy, where we in the same pack??
matron sounds a little tiddly too...she has cuphics! i'm just on out to the balcony for a crafty fag - can't have a drinkypoos without a smoke. it's just not cricket x
I can hear your mutterings ena, have me ear trumpet to hand
I think it is about time for all samokers to go out and have a quick one - will the balcony hold our combined players weights? (Showing my age - yet again)
miss meg - i'm still not really sure why they requested i 'not return'. that period of my life is slightly may be something to do with following ena's example of being medicinal before i go out and then smuggling alcohol everywhere. but who knows? one really must be prepared for every eventuality...x
memya if you want to take this bowl home, please can you help me get it off me head? the ears are getting in the way.... youch!
Think I nicked the badges, did have a lot of them.
Exactly! Why do you think I keep laying down on the floor!
lady alex...i do apologise. i was, in a former life known as stonekicker. however - mr kicker got a little aggrieved at recieving strange e-mails from ab and cb. he politely requested a change of username for myself and of course i obliged...i am a very obliging individual. hope this clears up the confusion x
I can't keep my hair out of my eyes now. You'd think her ladyship would have enough tiaras of her own.

I have a double of what you are having icg and one or two of your meds. feel a bit down now, but rather pleased we have our own dealer.
boxtops I thought you were off out to space, dont worry about the balcony it has been strengthened since the last incident

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