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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
234 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Thankfully, things are back to normal chez alex as far as t'internet is concerned and I am delighted to once again welcome members to the Club

Please make yourselves comfortable and I'm sure Matron will be along very soon with the usual delicious array of drinks and nibbles. (I have put in a special request for mini toffee apples this week, being so close to bonfire night.)

Talking of toffee apples, there is a bucket of dentures in the lower , smaller bathroom. All members are asked to check in case they have left theirs here on a previous visit. No double dipping, one fitting only.


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Well sk - I shall call you Elsie from now on - sounds friendlier than lcg if I may say so. I should know they call me Ena and say things like Hi Ena!
Hyena? what the gooseberry? I will have them I tell you Elsie
ayg - uppers/downers/lefters/righters. what's your poison? seeing as you are down, i prescribe some venlafaxine. great stuff...x
Boxy come here dear have some liquid paraffin tp lppsen that bowl
As long as I can see my way home icg, ttfn sometimes gives me a lift on her tandem.
gran my balance is off kilter tonite - I fear you may be on the unicycle if Alex will lend you his cycle clips. Matron - keep the liquid parrafin bp in your holster or that won't be the only bowl having trouble soon. A word of warning my dear boxy - don't try for the apple bobbing until you have had it off
ttfn I know it's late at night, but would you like to rephrase that? LOL

mamya, on your head be it (as it were), liquid paraffin has an Effect on me usually....
you know - if we can't get that bowl off (ahem!); we could always make it work for boxy with a new matching haircut...x
Just don't bend over boxy. Her ladyship will probably go through your pockets while you,are bobbing.but I suppose that is the least of your worries.
I doubt it Elsie - I am sure she said a wee while ago that she had that off too!
will my plunger be of any assistance - i really don't know why i didn't think of that really is my favourite accessory x
i just thought...i could do the apple bobbing with it too and not mess up my new hair do...x
I was going to surf with my net Elsie
burble burble -- the air supply is running out in here, I've got my head in a bucket of water and mamya is approaching me with a length of hose..... I thought they only did things like this next door!
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I haven't gone yet...

Thanks for clearing up the Stonekicker problem....Elsan it is then.
Oh dear boxy - not the dreaded chronic irritation is it? Matron has an awful twinkle in her eyes - better watch your back boxy - well that general area anyway.
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Would a hammer help ?
Hey there you gorgeous not-mad people, how is it going tonight? Love you all. xx
POOOOOOp there its off and all in one piece
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Oh well done, Mamya..what would we do without you.

Hello again, Society. Glad to have you back.
What has happened to alex ?
Has Ena made off with him (again)

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Mad over fifties CLub

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