Welcome one and all on this cold but no longer snowy evening.
The Committee wish to extend their thanks to all members who so splendidly helped out last week with the digging and de-icing. There are quite a few items in the lost property cupboard, so please have a look there before you go. For example, a string vest, a sheepskin mitt (left hand), half a jar of Vick, seven wooly scarves and a cheese and pickle sandwich. (That is just a small selection, there are many more.)
The Committee are very hopeful that one of our members will be able to give us an improving talk tonight as they are unanimous that we are all in need of improving.
Members are also advised that, due to the prevailing weather conditions, there may be a bit of leakage tonight. Several buckets have been placed in strategic places throughout the building and Members are encouraged to make use of them.
As always, all contributions to the raffle will be much appreciated.
So far, we have:
A pair of string pants
A sheepskin mitt (right hand)
Seven woolly hats.
I'm sorry, m'lady, but 'tis time to speak plain. Now, I'm no snob, believe me, but you have been entertaining an interloper from the very pits of civilisation, i.e. Sunderland. Just imagine the horror if the Dowager Countess of Grantham were to grace us with her presence next week and was confronted with a Mackem. You would be ostracised from all events of the season and forced to retire humiliatingly back to the country. You must stop this now.
On your head be it ma'am. I have done my best to protect you, but must now direct my energies to my fellow strugglers who are valiantly combating for the right to go to YOONI, free of charge!
Good evening all - the party still going strong, milady ?? I'll just check out the 'minutes' and see what's been happening ..... curtsies and leaves the room backwards
Night night, alexanderd. Lovely to see you as always.
Daisynonna..sorry for being a bit slow on the uptake. Should have followed you really , this is Quizzes and Puzzles after all!
Mike111111111111111 Thank you for trying to 'help' me, but I think you are misguided. Alexanderd is a dear friend (and an excellent and sought-after dancer) who will always be welcome here at the Club.
Mamya...your hot dogs are delicious . ((As always)
Goodnight Count and Mike...and good morning seekeerz......it is disconcerting that you are going around upside down,but we will get used to it in time.